On Monday. May 16th at 12:14 AM EST there will be a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign ruled by Pluto and the 8th house. The Tarot card that represents the sign of Scorpio is Death and the polarity of Scorpio (opposite sign) is the sign of Taurus.
If you’re not a Scorpio, make sure to check your birth/natal chart to see where Scorpio lands in your chart and what Scorpio characteristics you have within you, if you don’t have Scorpio in your chart check to see what you have under your Pluto or 8th house. This goes for any astrological sign, if you don’t have that said astrology sign in your chart check the corresponding planet and house.
Scorpios are passionate, mysterious, emotional, determined, and perceptive. Scorpios may appear cold and unapproachable but underneath they’re a water sign that just wants to be loved like everybody else so don’t judge them on their cold exterior. On the other side, Scorpios can be manipulative, clingy, jealous, possessive and they can be intense. A Scorpios’ need for control may get the better of them making them show their possessive destructive characteristics.
This is the first Lunar Eclipse of the year! Remember that the Moon’s energy is strong enough to work with on the day before, the day of, and the day after. I like to plan out my moon rituals a few days in advance so that I have all my materials ready. Check out this post to see what’s the difference between the New Moon and Full Moon and learn more about both. You can also read all my past moon posts here.
What is a Lunar Eclipse?
A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, blocking the sunlight, and casting a shadow over the Moon. A Lunar Eclipse happens only during a Full Moon.
What to expect during this Full Moon?
– Protect your energy! Stay away from anything that draws in negativity (gossip, negative people, alcohol, anything with low vibrational energy)
Activities to do during this Full Moon
– Journal. Reflect on what happened 6 months ago, evaluate your achievements and celebrate. Remember to reflect and celebrate all of your hard work.
– Work with Selenite, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Moldavite, Shungite, Black Tourmaline, and Obsidian
– Meditate
– Charge some moon water out in the moonlight
– Make this energy cleansing mist
– Do a Tarot spread (like this one)
– Clear out anything that feels stagnant (your space, diet, social media following, etc.)
– Bathe your tools (crystals, tarot cards, home, etc) under the moonlight
– Work with the scents/herbs spearmint, wild orange, and geranium
– Do some shadow work
– Work on your sacral chakra
Are you a Scorpio?

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