After letting you all vote for this post I wanted to let you all vote for this post as well. I have many interests so I never really know what I should post because some of my interests aren’t related to each other at all. That’s why I think hosting a poll and letting you all vote for what you want to read on my blog. If you want to vote on my future blog posts make sure you are following me on Instagram so you can see my next poll.
About a month ago, I invested in a deck of Tarot cards because I’ve always wanted a Tarot deck of my own, my older sister has tons of Tarot and Oracle cards and used to give me readings so I was already interested in Tarot. It was last year though, that I started getting drawn to Tarot again. I started watching Tarot reading on Youtube (Charmed Intuition Tarot and BehatiLife are some of my favorite Tarot readers on Youtube) but I wanted to get more personal Tarot reading so I invested in a deck of my own.
I’ve only been practicing Tarot for about a month so I’m still learning. I’m only sharing what I already know with you but if any of you are Tarot readers or have been practicing Tarot let me know if you have any advice for me. If you all enjoy this post and would like to see more posts on Tarot and Oracle cards in the future let me know. I would be happy to share more of what I’m learning with you all.
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Choosing a deck
You don’t need to buy a super fancy deck just one that you’re drawn to. I currently have the Modern Witch Tarot Deck and the Believe In Your Own Magic as my oracle deck (I’ll do a post on oracle decks later) because I really love the beautiful illustrations and how it shows representation for every body type, skin type, gender, etc. I think it’s really important to find a deck that artwork you’re really drawn to. Tarot decks can be anywhere around $10-$40 so if this is your first deck I recommend not investing in an expensive deck right away because you don’t know how often you’re going to be using them.
Each Tarot deck should come with 78-cards and a booklet that explains all the cards and their meanings. The booklet contains all the instructions on how to use tarot cards so if your a beginner make sure to read through the booklet because it contains a lot of useful knowledge about Tarot.
Before you dive into your first Tarot session make sure you cleanse your deck. Cleansing is really important because you want to clear the Tarot deck’s energy and set if with your own energy. You never know who touched your cards and what energy they have so make sure to cleanse your deck. You can go as deep as cleansing the new deck with sage or palo santo or you can lay some crystals on the deck overnight (I like to use Selenite) and bless your deck with positive intentions. I like to meditate before my Tarot readings so that I’m aligned with my spiritual side and my intuition is stronger.
Shuffling the cards can be difficult because Tarot decks tend to be very thick, a Tarot deck contains 78 cards after all. I found this video really helpful. I’ve been trying out this method to shuffle my deck and it has made shuffling the cards much easier.

Reading the cards
As of right now, I’ve only done two types of spreads, a monthly reading and a daily spread, which is what I recommend if you’re new to Tarot readings.
Make sure you have a question in mind before drawing a card. The question doesn’t have to be anything deep, my questions are like what is the universe trying to tell me at this moment?, what message do I need right now?, what should I focus on this week/weekend? etc. Shuffle your deck repeating the question in your mind or aloud. Cut the deck by splitting the deck into two piles and place the bottom pile on top, and choose either the top or bottom card. Once the card has ‘chosen you’ examine the card. Try to see what you can interrupt based on the artwork of the card, see if you can try to guess what the card means before reading the meaning in the booklet that came with the deck. Next, take out your guidebook and search for the card that was drawn. Read the description and see how that resonates with the question you asked and how that resonates with your current situation. If you think you need more, feel free to draw out another card.
I recommend keeping a Tarot journal to jot down your card readings. Write down the question you asked, what card you pulled out, what the meaning of the card meant, and how it resonates with your current situation. I like to look back at my week on the weekend to see how the cards reflected my week. I use my journal every day because I draw a card every day. However, I’m currently diving even deeper into the Tarot by learning the major arcana and minor arcana. Everything that I’m learning about Tarot is also written in my Tarot journal.
Have you ever had a Tarot card reading?

This is such a great, informative post! I've wanted to get back into Tarot for a while, but I haven't yet found a deck that really calls to me and I think it's really important to have a connection with your cards. I've just got to keep looking for ones with cool illustrations! Thanks for all these helpful suggestions though!
love Ellen @ http://www.ellennoir.co.uk xoxo
Thank you for reading! Yes, you definitely need to have a connection with your deck. I waited months before I finally ordered my deck because I wanted to make sure they were the right deck for me. ♥