A lot of people, love to manifest under the Moon. Well, what if I told you there was a way to always have a part of the Moon with you? That’s where Moon Water comes in! Moon Water is special water kissed by the Moonlight. Moon Water is a wonderful addition that you can be used in any ritual to strengthen your intentions. Making Moon Water under a New or Full Moon is extremely powerful but you can make Moon Water at any time. I’ve mentioned Moon Water in some of my previous moon cycle posts and now I’ll be sharing how you can make your own Moon Water. It’s a very simple DIY so I also threw in some ways you can use Moon Water to amplify your manifestations.
How To Make Moon Water
It’s best to make Moon water under a New Moon, however, you can make it whenever you want. Pour purified water into a glass bottle or container that has a lid. I know many people use rainwater but I’m someone who digests Moon Water so I always use clean drinkable water but feel free to use rainwater if you prefer that. Leave your container somewhere that gets direct Moonlight. Leave overnight or for 3 days (as long as a Moon cycle) so that the magical Moonlight is absorbed into the water. Afterward, bring it indoors to use.
To amplify the water with extra magical manifestation energy sit down and hold the bottle in your hands and think of positive thoughts and set an affirmation, like a meditation. Set your container of Moon Water out somewhere that means a lot to you, I set my Moon Water on my altar to use as the water element. For best results, use the water every day for a month or until the water runs out. Leave out during a rainstorm to be kissed by the universe.

How To Use Moon Water
You can also use it in anything that requires water. I highly recommend you use it in a spiritual ritual, like to manifest your dreams. Down below I listed some ways in which you can incorporate Moon Water into your daily life.
– Take a sip every morning to start your day off right
– After a deep and insightful meditation
– Use in an oil diffuser
– Use to water your plants
– Make a cleansing spray
– Place it over your journal
– Boil the water and make some Moon tea
– Charge under a Full Moon/New Moon
– Transfer to a little bottle and carry with you
– Take a bath with some of it
– Set some crystals next to the bottle to infuse it with even more good energy. I like to use Selenite. Moonstone, and Clear Quartz.
Have you made Moon Water before?

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