One of the many hobbies I discovered whilst in quarantine has been, the moon. The moon? I know, it may sound “woo woo” to some but I’ve always been open to learning about “woo woo” topics such as crystals, astrology, Tarot, lunar energy, etc. If you’re not someone who is open to this type of stuff this post might come off as weird or strange to you but I’ve always been intrigued by this type of stuff. If this type of stuff isn’t your jam, feel free to skip this post. With that said, I hope you enjoy this post because I genuinely enjoy talking about the moon.
About a year ago, I started working with moon energy and tracking the moon and all its cycles. I even have an entire routine and even a lovely moon journal where I write down everything related to the moon. I make spreads for each New Moon and Full Moon, do special Tarot card spreads, and write about how I’m feeling during that specific moon phase.
It also doesn’t help that my astrological sign is in Cancer (both sun and rising/ascendant) and our ruling “planet” is the moon. This means that the moon’s energy affects me twice as much! If you’re wondering how the moon’s energy affects you, I would check out your astrology chart and see what sign your moon is in. In Astrology, the moon represents your inner self and how you see yourself, your inner thoughts, and your feelings. During a Full Moon or New Moon, different astrology signs will align with that certain moon phase making the moon energy affect this sign the most. Don’t worry, this post isn’t about Astrology, because that’s a whole other topic and I’m not confident explaining Astrology that well. This post is about how to work with moon energy.

The moon has many phases but in this post, I’ll only be discussing the New Moon and Full Moon. Every month, we get both a New Moon and a Full Moon, and each of the 12 astrological signs gets its own New Moon and Full Moon. The New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are on the same side and share the same Zodiac sign and the Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are on the opposite sides of the sun and Zodiac wheel. When there is a new month, a New Moon will follow, so we just had a New Moon in Taurus because we’re currently in May and the Astrological sign that starts off May is Taurus. Are you following? Six months later, when the moon’s lumination is complete, a Full Moon appears. A Full Moon cycle spans six months or two seasons. The Full Moon has the most powerful energy because it’s a completed moon cycle. Does that make sense?
The New Moon is the beginning of a new lunar cycle. At this moon phase, the moon’s lumination is at 0%, it’s a new start which means this is the perfect time to start from scratch, restart, refresh, renewal, the time period to try new things. The New Moon’s energy is completely new so this would be the ideal time for you to also start a new project, goal, job, etc. Use time energy wisely.
How to work with the New Moon?
– Set new intentions/goals
– Manifest. The New Moon is the best time to manifest anything and everything!
– Clear out old energy. Give your space a deep cleanse and get rid of anything that no longer serves you or makes you happy.
– Work with crystals, Selenite (this stone was named after the Greek moon goddess, Selene), Moonstone, and Clear Quartz are always great crystals to work with on any Moon.
– Journal. How I journal during a New Moon is that write down all the intentions that I want to manifest in a journal. I will write the New Moon a love note and ask it to help me with my goals.
– Shadow work. I have personally never tried shadow work but if you’re someone who does, now is the time for this.
– Meditate. I highly recommend these guided meditation videos
– Create a vision board
– Detox
– Do some light exercise, like yoga, or go on a walk
– Cleanse yourself with either smoke or water
– Do candle magick
The Full Moon is the ending of the lunar cycle. It’s time to reflect, celebrate and look back at everything you’ve accomplished six months ago at the beginning of the lunar cycle (aka the New Moon). At this phase, the moon’s lumination is 100%, it’s completely illuminated. At this time, the energy of the moon is very high and your emotions and psychic abilities will be heightened so be careful with this moon energy and feel those emotions deeply.
How to work with the Full Moon?
– Reflect on your past six months. If you started something new, how is this going, are you feeling fulfilled? If not, it’s time to take note and work on your next step.
– Work with crystals, Selenite, Moonstone, Amethyst, Citrine, Labradorite, and Clear Quartz
– Journal and see how far you’ve come since the New Moon.
– Drink tea and show gratitude for how far you’ve come.
– Charge your tools in the moonlight. If you have any. I personally charge my crystals, tarot cards, oracle cards, water bottle, and journals.
– Gaze at the moon
– Take a stroll under the moonlight
– Make a moon oil
– Make moon water
– Set up a crystal grid
– The best time for magick and to practice spells
– Lucid dreaming
– Do candle magick
– Bathe in a tub touched by moonlight
– Work with your spirit guides or ancestors through meditation

Have you worked with moon energy before?
What sign is your moon in?

Hello, this is such an interesting piece, how to work with the new moon and the full moon.i have one question, I want to start a moon journal to work with the moon energy to set my intentions etc, but from what I read from this piece we should set intentions for the next 6 months, work on my intentions, celebrate achievements etc and check the results 6 months later on the full moon…..so this is different from most moon planners I have seen that work with monthly activities rather then 6 months one.for a moon planners what do you suggest?
I don’t use a moon planner. I just keep a journal and write my own questions and whatever comes to mind during a moon cycle. ♥