On Saturday, April 30th at 4:28 PM EST there will be a solar eclipse and New Moon in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign ruled by Venus and the 2nd house. The Tarot card that represents the sign of Taurus is The Hierophant and the polarity of Taurus (opposite sign) is the sign of Scorpio.
If you’re not a Taurus, make sure to check your birth/natal chart to see where Taurus lands in your chart and what Taurus characteristics you have within you. If you don’t have Taurus in your chart check to see what you have under your Venus or 2nd house. This goes for any astrological sign, if you don’t have that said astrology sign in your chart check the corresponding planet and house.
Taurus people are calm, determined, trustworthy, sensual, and dependable. Taurus loves indulging in food, the finer things in life, and anything luxurious. Some negative traits of Taurus include being materialistic, overindulgent, gluttonous, stubborn, and resistant to change. Taurus signs are known for being stubborn, their symbol is a bull after all, and despite being very patient when pushed to the limit they can be fierce and protective.
This is also the first Solar Eclipse of the year! Remember that the Moon’s energy is strong enough to work with on the day before, the day of, and the day after. I like to plan out my moon rituals a few days in advance so that I have all my materials ready. Check out this post to see what’s the difference between the New Moon and Full Moon and learn more about both. You can also read all my past moon posts here.
What is a Solar Eclipse?
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon gets between Earth and the Sun, and the Moon casts a shadow over Earth. A Solar Eclipse happens only during a New Moon.
Spiritually speaking, Solar Eclipses challenge us by testing our inner strength. They force us to try an alternative route to reach a goal. Don’t fret though, these challenges from the Solar Eclipse are always positive even if you might not think so. Be welcoming and embrace these changes with an open mind.
What to expect during this New Moon?
– Quick external changes to your life
– Go with the flow and trust in the universe
– Rest. Now is not the time to manifest but rather to acknowledge what has and hasn’t worked
Activities to do during this New Moon
– Clear out old energy. Give your space a deep cleanse and get rid of anything that no longer serves you or makes you happy
– Reflect. Journal and write down what has and hasn’t worked
– Pull some Tarot cards and do this Tarot spread
– Work with Selenite, Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Rose Quartz, Jade, and Emerald
– Work with the scents, Sandalwood, Rose, Sage, and Jasmine
– Meditate
– Make this DIY energy cleaning mist
– Drink dandelion tea
– Do some abundant planning
– Garden, plant some flowers or a tree
– Ground yourself and connect to the Earth
– Wear green or brown (ex. dress, nails, lipstick, undergarments, etc.)
– Practice yoga
– Get creative!
– Give yourself a throat, neck, or jaw massage
– Work on your throat chakra
Are you a Taurus?

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