It’s been about a year since I started my curly girl method journey. I have learned so much from this journey like what curls need, what products work with my hair, what different techniques do to my hair and so much more! In this post, I’ll explain what worked and what didn’t work whilst on the Curly Girl Method. I’ll also be sharing some of my honest opinions on the CGM and whether or not it’s worth investing your time in.
A year later… what has changed?
When I first started the CGM journey, I was applying copious amounts of hair gel in the shower and detangling my hair in the shower (and losing a lot of hair). However, I no longer do either of these. I found applying oil and brushing (yes, brushing) my hair is a better alternative to detangling my hair in the shower, plus I don’t lose as much hair. I also now apply hair gel after I get out of the shower and apply a leave-in condtioner before. This makes my curls moisturized and I get a nice slip in my hair which makes it easier to apply the product in my hair.
What do I do differently now?
– My hair has gotten curlier. Especially the curls on the lower half of my hair
– My curls look healthier! I’ve noticed less frizz and defined curls
– I’m more knowledgeable on curly hair and what ingredients I should and shouldn’t be using
– I’m familiar with the curly girl terms now 😂
– I use a lot more hair styling products
– I do a scalp cleaning once a month
– I do a deep conditioning mask every 2 weeks
– I use a microfiber towel
– I sleep on satin silk pillowcases now
– I use satin silk scrunchies
– I refresh my curls every day now (unless I’m washing my hair)
Will I continue the curly girl method?
Yes and no. I will continue to do what I’ve been doing and implement what I’ve learned from the Curly Gurl Method, all the knowledge I’ve learned in the past year. However, I’m not following the CGM 100% anymore (to be fair, I never did 😆). I use shampoo, I use a brush when I want to detangle hair, and sometimes use heat styling tools. However, I will still no longer use products that aren’t curly girl-friendly like products with silicone, parabens, and sulfates. I’m going to follow with what works for my hair.
Would I recommend the Curly Girl Method?
100% yes! If you have wavy or curly hair and have wanted to reduce frizz and enhance your curls and texture then I highly recommend following the Curly Girl Method at least for 6 months to see if you notice any changes. I also recommend getting a haircut to get rid of your dead curls and at least 1/2 to 1 inch of your curls off so you notice new curl growth when it comes in. I didn’t do this but I wish I did.
You don’t have to invest in anything new if you don’t want to. I recommend a co-wash, gel, and maybe a few styling products. You can use this website to see if the products are curly-girl-approved. Some of my favorite curly-haired Youtubers are Swavy Curly Courtney and Gena Marie, I’ve learned a lot from their videos!
Have you tried the curly girl method before?

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