On Monday. May 30th at 7:30 AM EST there will be a New Moon in the sign of Gemini. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign ruled by Mercury and the 3rd house. The Tarot card representing the sign of Gemini is The Lovers and the polarity of Gemini (opposite sign) is the sign of Sagittarius.
Geminis are charming, social, witty, adaptable, and flexible. Geminis are the sign of communication so they love engaging and connecting with others. Some of Gemini’s negative traits include being judgemental, inconsistent, cunning, exaggerating, and flaky. Geminis can get bored easily so they are always on the go which may rub others the wrong way.
If you’re not a Gemini, make sure to check your birth/natal chart to see where Gemini lands in your chart and what Gemini characteristics you have within you, if you don’t have Gemini in your chart check to see what you have under your Mercury or 3rd house. This goes for any astrological sign, if you don’t have that said astrology sign in your chart check the corresponding planet and house.
Remember that the Moon’s energy is strong enough to work with on the day before, the day of, and the day after. I like to plan out my moon rituals a few days in advance so that I have all my materials ready. Check out this post to see what’s the difference between the New Moon and Full Moon and learn more about both. You can also read all my past moon posts here.
What to expect during this New Moon?
– A time for high communication
– Don’t make quick decisions! Slow down and listen. Take your time before making your next move
Activities to do during this New Moon
– Clear out old energy. Give your space a deep cleanse and get rid of anything that no longer serves you or makes you happy
– Reflect. Journal and write down what has and hasn’t worked
– Pull some Tarot cards and do this Tarot spread
– Work with Selenite, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Tiger’s Eye, and Agate
– Work with the scents, lemon verbena, orange, thyme, ginger, and cedarwood
– Try a guided meditation
– Listen to some crystal bowls and do some sound healing
– Learn how to read Tarot
– Read a book
– Speak your mind
– Have a conversation with a close friend or family member
– Wear yellow or gold (ex. dress, nails, lipstick, jewelry, undergarments, etc.)
– Work on your Throat chakra
Are you a Gemini?

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