Can you believe It’s been over a year since my last tarot 101? I didn’t intend to take such a long hiatus from this series but I’m glad to be back and will try not to take as long of a break from continuing the Minor Arcana tarot series. If you’re new to my Tarot 101 series, this is a series where I try my best to explain to you how to read tarot cards for a beginner. In this post, I’ll be focusing on the Fours in the Minor Arcana. This includes the Four of Wands, Four of Cups, Four of Pentacles, and Four of Swords. I will only be explaining these cards in the upright position so you’ll find no reverse explanations in this post.
For this Minor Arcana suit explanation, I’ll be using the unicorn tarot (no longer in print) as a visual representation for the suit of fours. Please refer to the Rider-Waite-Smith deck for the original tarot card illustrations. The images in the unicorn tarot are similar to the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot but with unicorns used to represent the people in the cards instead. I mean, what else do you expect from a Kawaii blogger? hehe
If you’re new here, make sure to read this post where I teach about the Minor Arcana and the different suits in Tarot. Also, make sure to read my posts on Major Arcana, both part 1 and part 2. I also post Tarot and Oracle card reviews so make sure you check out those posts if you’re looking for a new deck to add to your card collection. If you have any questions, leave me a message in the comment section and I’ll get back to you asap!

The number 4 in numerology is all about order and stability. Think about a chair with four legs, it’s secure and can hold you up. Even the figure ‘4’ resembles an upside-down chair! The number four can also indicate security, loyalty, discipline, passion, drive, self-discipline, and determination. You’ll see these themes depicted in the tarot card illustrations. The number four can also represent the four elements, four seasons, and/or the four directions.

Out of all the fours in the minor arcana, the 4 of Wands has the most positive meaning as it depicts two figures meeting up in a harmonious meeting. When this card shows up in a reading, it means that you should be celebrating yourself. You may be in a positive state in your life and now is the time to reap the rewards that you’ve earned. Seeing this card could also indicate a meeting with someone or it might be the perfect time to gather with your friends or family.
The 4 of Cups appearing in a reading means you are withdrawn from your emotions. You’re not focusing on what you have around you but instead dwelling on what you don’t have. Try to find a new approach to your situation instead of taking things for granted. Your heart is yearning for something more, listen to what your soul is calling you to do instead of feeling let down and being distant.
On the 4 of Pentacles, a defensive figure is guarding their coins with a concerned look on their face. The 4 of Pentacles is a card about possessiveness. Seeing this card could indicate that you’re being too controlling and maybe materialistic. You may be holding on to something too tightly and it might be time to release and free yourself from the fear of losing what you have. However, staying in this state could limit your possibilities and block you from potential opportunities.
The 4 of Swords may seem like a sad or depressing card, however, this tarot card is asking you to take a break because recovery is needed. You may be feeling burnt out and it’s time to replenish yourself. You may have possibly recently suffered a loss and you need to do some self-reflection. But don’t worry as in the 4 of Swords a stained glass window with peaceful illustrations hangs above the figure insinuating that everything will be okay, time will heal your situation.
If you have any questions let me know. Which suit of fours is your favorite?

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