On September 2nd at 8:56 PM (EST) a New Moon under the astrological sign of Virgo. The New Moon ushers in a fresh slate, the beginning of something new. If the New Moon were a Tarot card then it would be The Fool as now is the time to start a new venture through with as much enthusiasm as a child or fool.
A New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle, now is a wonderful time to start something and set new intentions. Try to listen to your intuition and pay attention to what your inner self is craving. If you don’t already have a Moon journal, obtaining and dedicating this journal to the Moon would be a wonderful time during this New Moon.
Down below I provided seven journaling prompts that you can use. Journaling is a lovely activity to do during any Full or New Moon, it’s part of my New Moon ritual! You may want to take a few minutes before you journal to meditate to center yourself. Writing down your thoughts is a powerful tool to reflect on your innermost thoughts. writing is a literal magick practice why do you it’s called spelling? After you finish your journaling session I recommend rereading what you wrote down and trying to strategize an action plan.

When a New Moon is under a certain Zodiac sign it’s important to see what attributes from this sign we can use to help us during this lunar phase. Virgo is a reliable sign that rules order, health, organization, and service. With the New Moon under the sign of Virgo now is the potent time to recommit to a healthy routine, be of service, and analyze the tiny details of your life that are and aren’t working in your favor.
A whole lunar cycle in a Zodiac sign lasts 6 months so when the Full Moon is in Virgo in February 2025 that will be the end of this Virgo lunar cycle. A general Moon cycle lasts about 3 days so try to journal using the prompts listed below within the next three days.
✮ What new goal wish do you wish to achieve in the next 6 months?
✮ What is working for you in your current routine? Are you happy with this routine?
✮ What would your perfect routine look like? Describe it in as much detail as possible.
✮ What new healthy habits do you wish to start?
✮ What makes you feel at peace? What doesn’t?
✮ What are you trying to ignore?
✮ What feelings are you trying to ignore?
Do you journal during the New Moon? Do you have a Moon journal?

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