Back in October, I made a post on some witchy rituals you could do during the Full Moon. In that post, I mentioned that I would make a separate post for my New Moon rituals. This Wednesday, there will be a New Moon in Sagittarius so I thought now would be the perfect time to share my dreamy New Moon routine with you all. I know the Full Moon seems more dreamy than a Dark Moon but the New Moon can be just as special! My New Moon and Full Moon activities don’t differ too much but there are certain things I wouldn’t do on a Full Moon that I would do on a New Moon, and vice versa.
The New Moon is the start of a new lunar cycle which means this is the ideal time for a restart, refresh, and for new things or adventures. The best time to do any of these New Moon (or any moon) rituals would be the day before, the day of, or the day after. New Moons are an all-day event for me. The main difference between my regular routine and a New Moon ritual is that I will concentrate more and move with intention. Make sure to use this time and energy wisely!
Clear Out Old Energy
This doesn’t have to be an intense smoke cleanse, just a light spitz from an energy-cleansing mist, a light diffuse, moon incense, or even a sound cleanse is enough to cleanse the energy in your space. Make sure to open any windows and doors so that the old energy can easily flow out.
Set New Intentions
Because the New Moon is the start of a new cycle now would be the perfect time to set any new intentions or goals. Write them in a journal and write what, why, and how you plan to turn these dreams into reality.
Do a Visualization Meditation
There are several meditations you can do. However, I swear by visualization meditation! I like to work with the Moon when I do any visualization meditation because the energies are heightened which may make your dream come to fruition much quicker. Like I mentioned in my Full Moon post, you have to continue with visualization meditation if you want to manifest, it’s not a one-and-go type of thing, it could take a year or longer to manifest your dreams so make sure to be consistent.
Make a Vision Board
During this New Moon, consider making a vision board! This goes along with manifestation/visualization. Browse Pinterest for pictures of things or places that align with your dreams and make a collage by printing them out and gluing them onto a board or you can make a digital vision board and save it as your phone background! Make sure to place your vision board somewhere you see often so that you are reminded of your dreams daily, this will encourage you.
Work With a New Tarot and Oracle Deck
Pick a new tarot and oracle deck to work with. I do this at the beginning of every month because I have multiple decks and I want to make sure they all feel loved. A New Moon would be the perfect time to choose a different deck to work with. If you haven’t used a deck in a long time you might want to cleanse it before you use it to get rid of any stagnant energy.
Do you do anything special on a New Moon?

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