After a very long break, I’m finally bringing back the Tarot 101 series! I started this series last year but decided to take a break so I could get more comfortable with tarot before trying to explain it to you all. Check out how to read the Major Arcana here and part 2 here.
It’s time to learn about the Minor Arcana! The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards making it larger than the Major Arcana which contains 22 cards. The 56 cards are broken into 4 suits (wands, cups, pentacles, and swords) of 14 cards, 4 court cards (king, queen, knight, and page), and the rest numbered from ace to ten. Because I don’t want to make this post too long, in this post, I’m going to break down each of the suits and numbers individually so each set of suits and numbers will get its own post. For example, when I make a post on the number 2, I’ll break down the 2 of wands, 2 of cups, 2 of pentacles, and 2 of swords all in the same post. This is how I learned the Minor Arcana and it was more beneficial for me when I was learning Tarot so that’s how I’m going to be teaching you in this series of posts, hopefully, it also help you understand the Tarot much quicker.

To begin, I’m going to describe each of the suits so that in future posts you can refer to this post in case you forget the differences between the suits. The four suits consist of wands, cups, pentacles, and swords. Every tarot deck is different so in some decks, the suits are called different things but in a standard deck (I’m using the Modern Witch Tarot) this is what the suits are called. Each suit is represented by an element and associated with a direction and season.
The cards from the Minor Arcana focus on everyday concerns, daily challenges, and more mundane situations. Not to say that the Minor Arcana are lesser than the Major Arcana, however, the Minor cards provide you with a much more realistic approach and remind you that you have what it takes to turn your problem around. The Major Arcana represents forces working beyond your control whilst the Minor Arcana works with you to create and control your destiny.
The Suit of Wands focuses on creativity, passion, inspiration, willpower, and drive. The wand cards mean a new beginning and the start of something new. You are growing or on the precipice of a new adventure. This is your time to take action! When you draw a wand card, this could symbolize that you are ready for a fresh start, to keep working hard, assert yourself, and/or take some risks. In difficult situations, the wand cards show that they are fully capable of handling whatever life throws their way! Are you ready?
Element: Fire
Astrological attributes: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Direction: South
Season: Spring
Keywords: Energy, spirit, willpower, passion, courage, drive, adventurous, action-oriented, vitality, self-expression, inspiration, power
Reversed: Destructive, fiery, temperamental, reckless, dangerous
The Suit of Cups focuses on emotions, creativity, love, intuition, and relationships. The cup cards literally represent the ability to receive and hold. Most of the cards under the suit of cups contain images of family, friendships, or romantic relationships this is because the cup cards seek out comfort, security, and contentment. Cup cards also indicate talent in the arts and other creative projects. When you draw a cup card, you are being called to appreciate your feelings and your relationships. In difficult situations, the cup cards show that you may be suffering, disappointed, recovering, or seeking emotional renewal. Is your cup being fulfilled?
Element: Water
Astrological attributes: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces
Direction: West
Season: Summer
Keywords: Emotions, creativity, intuition, feelings, empathetic, compassionate, healing, adaptable, spirituality, flow
Reversed: Lack of emotion, lack of logic, daydreaming, emotional blocks, repression

The Suit of Pentacles focuses on physical matters, finances, health, manifestations, and practical concerns. The tarot deck represents the figures on pentacle cards as hardworking, often engaged in some sort of work or manual labor. You have planted the seeds and are helping them grow into something beautiful that will hopefully reward you. When you draw a pentacle card, this could indicate a work-related or financial issue but could also mean taking care of your health, working too hard isn’t good for you. Depending on the pentacle card that you select, it could mean success or that you’re working yourself into a difficult situation. Are you working on what truly matters to you?
Element: Earth
Astrological attributes: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
Direction: North
Season: Winter
Keywords: Manifestation, results, resources, security, money, reliable, resilience, responsibility, nature, solid foundations, growth, ambition, hard-working, steady, effort, practical
Reversed: Stubborn, materialistic, greedy, laziness, carelessness, loss of resources, lack of common sense
The Suit of Swords focuses on rational thinking, Intellect, logic, communication, conflict, and analysis. Swords cards are all about how one perceives themselves, their (sometimes spiritual) development, and the struggle in a transformative experience. When you draw a sword card, it may suggest that you need to pay attention and examine an issue clearly before making a decision. In difficult situations, the sword cards could indicate that you have pushed your thoughts into worry, anxiety, and stress and have lost sight of everything. Who are you and what do you want?
Element: Air
Astrological attributes: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Direction: East
Season: Autumn
Keywords: Intellect, knowledge, change, logic, thinking, rational, communication, conflict, structure, organize, analyze, clarity, curious, disciplined, fair
Reversed: ruthlessness, coldness, confusion, resistance to change
Are you interested in learning Tarot?

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