Welcome to part two of the Major Arcana Tarot meaning. If you haven’t checked out part one make sure to read that post before you read this post. In this part, I will be explaining the meanings of the second half of the Major Arcana, starting with the Justice card and ending with the World card. I forgot to mention this in the first part of this series but a Tarot deck is one long story. If you place down all the Tarot cards from side to side you can tell that one card follows another to tell one grand story. You’ll notice this more when we reach the suit card series but the Major Arcana also tells a story if you pay close attention.
Make sure to check out all my other Tarot posts including my Tarot or Oracle card collection and this post for more Tarot reading tips.

Down below are all 22-cards of the Major Arcana in a standard 78-card Tarot deck.
0 -The Fool *
I – The Magician *
II – The High Priestess *
III – The Empress *
IV – The Emperor *
V – The Hierophant *
VI – The Lovers *
VII – The Chariot *
VIII – Strength *
IX – The Hermit *
X – Wheel of Fortune *
XI – Justice
XII – The Hanged One
XIII – Death
XIV – Temperance
XV – The Devil
XVI – The Tower
XVII – The Star
XVIII – The Moon
XIX – The Sun
XX – Judgement
XXI – The World
*The meanings for these cards will be in part 1 of The Major Arcana Tarot 101 series.

Justice (XI)
Justice is all about JUSTICE! This card represents truth, fairness, accountability and in some cases, law. If you are seeking Justice then the Justice card is a positive sign that everything will work out in the end. The Justice card also shows up when you need to make an important decision. If you acted in alignment with your higher self then you have nothing to worry about. Be aware of the impact your decisions will have on you and your well-being. Overall Justice is a wonderful card to pull as long as it comes from a positive place.
The Hanged One (XII)
The Hanged One (also called The Hanged Man) is a card about being at a pause, letting go, surrender, new perspectives, or being at a standstill. The Hanged One is tied upside down on a tree, viewing the world from a different perspective. One of their foot is tied whilst the other is free, meaning that they are free to choose whether to stay in place or keep moving. However, sometimes you need to surrender to the universe and let it guide you. Use this opportunity as a chance to re-evaluate where you are on your path. Pulling to The Hanged One is an invitation to welcome this pause. This is the universe’s way of showing you a different perspective.
Death (XIII)
THE DEATH CARD. The Death card is all about endings, renewal, and transformation. There’s a misconception that pulling this card is “bad luck” but on the contrary getting the Death card is a chance for you to reinvent yourself. There could be a major phase in your life that is ending, take this as a sign that this situation is no longer serving you. You need to put the past behind you and part ways. It may be difficult to move forward but you will soon see the importance of this transformation. When you accept change you allow new patterns to emerge. Clear any limiting beliefs and embrace new doors and experiences of life! Something more valuable and better for you is on its way! The Death card can also signify sudden or unexpected change. This upheaval may be unwanted and painful but this massive change could lead to unexpected surprises. Death is a sign you need to learn to let go of unhealthy attachments in your life to live a more fulfilled life. This would be the perfect time to break an old habit, pattern, and/or behavior issues.

Temperance (XIV)
Temperance is a card about balance, peace, moderation, patience, and purpose. You’re being invited to allow life to flow through you without force or resistance. The Temperance card suggests moderation and balance are needed. You must be calm even when you are feeling stressed. You have a clear vision and know what you want to achieve, all you need is patience. The Temperance card could also indicate that it’s time to evaluate and re-examine your priorities. Make sure to create a balance between your outer and inner self.
The Devil (XV)
Another card that gets a bad wrap because of the name, The Devil. The Devil is a card about temptation, attachment, addiction, and restriction. The Devil card represents your shadow self and the negative forces that hold you back from being the best version of yourself. You could be holding onto negative patterns, habits, behaviors, and addictions. You are trapped between short-term pleasures. You are choosing the path of instant gratification even at the expense of your long-term well-being, you’ve sold your soul to the devil! To break free from these negative habits you need to acknowledge the hold they have over you and the impact they have on your life. Take this as an opportunity to bring these influences into your awareness so you can take action and break free from their hold.
The Tower (XVI)
The Tower is a card of sudden change, chaos, revelation, and awakening. The Tower is here to shake things up! The Tower appears when there is an event or situation that shakes you to the core, affecting you spiritually, mentally, and physically. There is no escaping The Tower’s energic chaos. However, you must remember that the universe is creating this chaos FOR YOU and not AGAINST YOU! It’s for your highest good! The truth is coming to light and the universe wants you to know. You may have been building on unstable foundations, illusions, or a false understanding. The best thing to do when you pull The Tower card is to rebuild and refocus your narrative. Surrender to the destruction and chaos no matter how painful it might be. This destruction will allow new growth to emerge and you will evolve your soul. In the end, The Tower will make you stronger and more resilient!

The Star (XVII)
Following the destruction from The Tower comes The Star card. The Star is all about having hope, faith, inspiration, renewal, and healing. The Star encourages you to embrace the divine as the universe blesses you with hope and good fortune. The universe wants you to know that you are always be taken care of and loved. This is a significant time to receive blessings and growth.
The Moon (XVIII)
The Moon is the card about illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, and unconscious. The Moon can indicate a time of uncertainty. When it’s illuminated, the Moon card can indicate a clear path that brings forth clarity. On the other side, in the darkness, the Moon card could symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you and it’s taking you down a path which you are unsure of. Be cautious of making decisions when the Moon card shows up in a reading. Listen and trust your intuition, feel rather than think. Alternatively, The Moon card could be signaling you to connect to the lunar cycles and your divine feminine.
The Sun (XIX)
The Sun card represents positivity, joy, optimism, success, and happiness. The Sun is one of the most positive cards to receive in a Tarot reading, it indicates that success, abundance, happiness, and joy are on the way! The Sun card can also bring you a sense of confidence. If you’re going through a tough time The Sun means that hope and better times are ahead! Use your inner shine to give you strength.

Judgement (XX)
The Judgement card is all about rebirth, awakening, renewal, and reflection. The Judgement card shows up when you reach a significant stage in your journey, usually after self-reflection. Maybe you’ve lost track and need to evaluate where you are and where you want to be. Release any sadness or guilt in order to move on. This process will leave you refreshed and ready for new challenges. The Judgement card could also indicate a spiritual awakening.
The World (XXI)
The final card of The Major Arcana is The World card. The World symbolizes competition, fulfillment, harmony, accomplishment, and travel. The World card shows up when you have reached a sense of completion, an achievement, or wholeness. A situation or project has come full circle and you have accomplished this goal or purpose! Everything has come together and you are in a positive headspace. The World card tells you to honor this accomplishment by reflecting on your journey. Don’t rush onto the next project, instead celebrate yourself! If you haven’t accomplished it yet, The World card is a sign that you are close to your goal! Alternatively, The World could indicate literal travel. haha
Do you know how to read Tarot?

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