☆ Earlier this week, I reached my 900th consecutive day of mediation! It’s so crazy how far I’ve taken this little habit that I wanted to start doing back in 2019. I now meditate every day for 15-40 minutes, I meditate first thing in the morning and sometimes follow up in the evening with another session if I feel stressed or drained from other people’s energy. Meditation is one of my favorite self-care activities because it makes me look inward by doing a simple task, breathing. I know it sounds like a simple activity but if you’ve ever tried meditating you know how difficult it can be to quiet the mind and sit with yourself. To me, meditating is worth it as I’m prone to anxiety and actively practicing deep breathing has helped me cope with my anxious mind. I have a few blog posts about meditation if you would like to read them and I’m also planning on writing a new one soon so if you have any questions about meditation or my practice specifically, let me know.
★ YUTA – Off The Mask
☆ If you’ve been following my crochet Instagram account (or on Threads) then you may know that I’ve been crocheting doll clothes for my Blythe doll. It’s been fun playing fashion designer for my Blythe. Because Blythe dolls are small, it doesn’t take too much time for me to crochet her clothing which is fabulous because I have so many ideas of clothing I want to make for her! haha
☆ My older sister recently reached 2k subscribers on her YouTube channel! I’m so proud of her! She is currently offering ‘Day of the Dead’ readings where she connects to your ancestors for spooky season, if you’re interested go check out the community tab on her channel for more details.
Posts From The Week

You should feel so proud of yourself for being so consistent with your meditation! And also congrats to your sister for hitting 2k subscribers. They always say the first 100 subscribers are the hardest to get, then 500, and finally 1k! Once you hit 1k, they say the growth tends to go much faster, which is super exciting. I hope her success continues 🙂 x
Melina | http://www.melinaelisa.com
I’m so proud of my older sister and her YouTube channel! I know she’s been working hard on her channel and enjoys reading tarot. I’m currently in the 400 subscribers range so I hope I can eventually reach 500 and maybe one day 1k but I’m not as consistent with my YouTube channel as I am with my mediation. haha ♥