On Saturday, April 16th at 2:55 PM EST there will be a Full Moon in the sign of Libra. Libra is a Cardinal Air sign ruled by Venus and the 7th house. The Tarot card that represents the sign of Libra is Justice and the polarity of Libra (opposite sign) is the sign of Aries.
If you’re not a Libra, make sure to check your birth/natal chart to see where Libra lands in your chart and what Libra characteristics you have within you. If you don’t have Libra in your chart check to see what you have under your Venus or 5th house. This goes for any astrological sign, if you don’t have that said astrology sign in your chart check the corresponding planet and house.
Libras are charming, harmonious, diplomatic, easy-going, and peaceful. Libra signs can be very diplomatic and try to see fairness in any situation, they are modeled after the scales of justice! On the flip side, Libras can be indecisive, superficial, hypocritical, gullible, and passive-aggressive. Libras are people pleasers and struggle with being direct with their feelings which can make them appear weak.
Remember that the Moon’s energy is strong enough to work with on the day before, the day of, and the day after. I like to plan out my moon rituals a few days in advance so that I have all my materials ready. Check out this post to see what’s the difference between the New Moon and Full Moon and learn more about both. You can also read all my past moon posts here.
What to expect during this Full Moon?
– Find balance in anything that feels out of balance in your life
– Tension. if you feel tension anywhere make sure to make changes in order to release and move on for the better
Activities to do during this Full Moon
– Journal. Reflect on what happened 6 months ago, are you on the path you want to be on? If not, release and let go.
– Work with Selenite, Clear Quartz, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, and tourmaline
– Charge some moon water out in the moonlight
– Bathe your tools (crystals, tarot cards, home, etc) under the moonlight
– Work with the scents/herbs bergamot, black licorice, juniper, and rose
– Do an act of service to someone you love
– Make a gratitude list
– Practice self-love
– Recite self-love affirmations
– Work on your heart chakra
Are you a Libra?

I am a Libra and I’ve absolutely loved reading this! Thank you
Yay, I’m glad you enjoyed reading this post! ♥