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– How did I just discover The Purple Palace? She’s an American artist based in Paris, France who vlogs about her life and struggles. She talks a lot about manifesting and I just love her vibes. I’ve been binge-watching her videos since last weekend and just love her positive energy and realness. I enjoy watching her videos because it’s like listening to a friend talk about their life. Watching her videos make me want to visit France again.
– Taeyeon – Weekend
LOVE this song! One of my favorite songs to be released this year! It’s such a fun song and just puts me in a good mood. Speaking of music, I added a Spotify playlist to the side of my blog. It’s currently playing my 2021 favorites playlist. I’ll try to update at least every month.
– I turned 28 on Wednesday. We went to a Korean BBQ place (they had a lot of vegetarian options) and then picked up a pastel de tres leches and coffee. It was a nice day. By the way, I think it’s really fitting that this is the 28th Seven Things post! haha
– One of my birthday gifts was the self-care oracle deck. I’ve wanted this deck for so long! It’s such a gorgeous deck, the style and colors are totally up my alley. Should I make a post on my Tarot and Oracle deck collection?
– I made a new crochet art piece for my altar space. I actually don’t have an altar yet but I’m going to turn my dresser into my altar space because it’s the only available spot in my room and I already have a few pieces set up there that I want to incorporate into my altar space anyways.
– In case you’re wondering, I used this pattern to create the lavender sage bundle. I tried to create my own pattern but kept failing so I just found a free pattern online. I loved how they turned out that I made three more and tied them in a bow so I can add to my mood board.
– Next month we’ll be going to Disney World! So excited! I haven’t been there since Summer 2019. I cannot wait!
Posts from the week
Seven Things ♥ Week 27
28 Thoughts About Turning 28
How was your week?

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