There are multiple ways to incorporate everyday magick into your daily routine without doing anything drastic. A lot of times we may be too busy to do a tarot spread or journal so I wanted to put together a list of everyday things and how you can add more magick into your life, some of these practices are so mundane that you may not even realize that you are practicing magick! Magick is all about intention so the way you think and move is important, the way you move matters! Down below I listed some of my favorite ways I implement magick into my everyday life. All of these practices are simple things that you probably already do but I offer information as to what makes these normal things so magical!
Throughout this post, I use the word magick which is a different spelling from the commonly used magic. The reason being is that magic is a word to describe trickery magic that stage magicians often use. Magick on the other hand is any action that helps fulfill one’s true purpose by using emotions and intention to attract and manifest what you desire. Magick doesn’t have to be metaphysical but most of the time it is.

Every day of the week is ruled by a planet, if you want to work some daily magick try performing tasks on the corresponding day of the week. For example, if you want to ask for a raise at work try asking on a Thursday, a day that is about abundance and wealth rather than a Monday. Colors are also associated with the days of the week, according to planetary influence, down below I also listed some colors that correspond with the following days of the week.
Monday (Ruled by the Moon) ~ peace, healing, caring, caring, psychic awareness
Colors: gray, lavender, white, silver, ivory
Tuesday (Ruled by Mars) ~ passion, courage, aggression, protection
Colors: red, white, black, gray, maroon, scarlet
Wednesday (Ruled by Mercury) ~ study, travel, divination, wisdom
Colors: yellow, brown, white, topaz
Thursday (Ruled by Jupiter) ~ expansion, money, prosperity, generosity
Colors: green, turquoise, white, purple, crimson
Friday (Ruled by Venus) ~ love, friendship, reconciliation, beauty
Colors: white, pink, rose, purple, coral
Saturday (Ruled by Saturn) ~ longevity, endings, home
Colors: brown, gray, blue, indigo, black
Sunday (Ruled by the Sun) ~ healing, spirituality, success, strength, protection
Colors: yellow, orange, gold, amber
There are various ways you can add color magick to your life such as with your clothing, accessories, makeup, nails, wall colors, furniture, and car, the options are endless! Instead of just choosing a color at random try to think about what you want your day to look like and choose with intention. Say you’re feeling depressed and unmotivated what color do you think will change your mood and outlook on life? I know many people would probably choose black but maybe wearing yellow, blue, or white would be a better choice. If you want to feel an emotion more intensely then you may want to wear a color that corresponds to that emotion.
Red ~ passion, fierce, capable, dangerous, sexy, sensual, courage
Pink ~ love, compassionate, friendship, romantic, confident
Orange ~ creative, order, self-control
Yellow ~ happy, bright, well, self-esteem, attraction, action, visionary
Green ~ success, money, content, ambitious
Blue ~ peaceful, tranquil, protective, effortless, serene, vibrant
Purple ~ intuition, psychic, knowledgable, divine, memorable, mystic, wisdom
Brown ~ adaptable, stable, secure, comfortable, centered
Black ~ transformative, powerful, secure, release, mysterious, badass
White ~ pure, healing, calm, serene, positive, peaceful, power
I feel like many people may already be wearing a talisman and not even realize it! If you are wearing your mother’s necklace, grandmother’s wedding ring, or grandfather’s bracelet, then you already have a talisman! A talisman is a significant piece of jewelry that you wear that serves as a protective barrier against negative people or situations. A common talisman is a special piece of jewelry such as a family heirloom or any other accessories with a sentimental value. Carry a talisman with you when you want to feel protected or when you need support or a familiar energy with you. This is also a beautiful way to honor your ancestors or past loved ones because you are literally carrying a piece of them with you.

Kitchen magick is cooking or baking with a certain intention. Say you want to bake a cake for a friend’s birthday, as you are putting together the ingredients in the bowl imagine happy positive thoughts and this being a cake that your friend will love. Continue thinking these thoughts as you prepare the cake. as you mix, pour, bake, and decorate the cake. Think with positive thoughts instead of stressing about time this will make your food taste better and also put you in a good mood making this experience much more enjoyable! Try using kitchen magick whenever you want to make a nourishing meal and/or when cooking or others.
Down below I’ve listed some common ingredients and their magical properties. Use these ingredients in meals, beauty rituals, DIY crafts, spells, or whatever you like!
Basil ~ defense, home, love, prosperity, protection, purification, success
Chamomile ~ balance, beauty, calm, dreamwork, gentleness, peace, sleep
Clover ~ community, friendship, kindness, luck, wealth, youth
Dandelion ~ awareness, clarity, emotions, freedom, the mind, wishes
Fennel ~ aggression, courage, energy, stimulation, protection, strength
Garlic ~ anxiety, banishing, defense, healing, improvement, weather
Honey ~ affection, gentleness, happiness, optimism, psychic ability
Lavender ~ calm, creativity, friendship, peace, purification, sensitivity, sleep
Peppermint ~ action, awaken, clarity, intelligence, the mind, stimulation
Rose ~ affection, attraction, blessings, fidelity, love, patience, sexuality
Rosemary ~ banishing, binding, defense, determination, healing, memory, protection
Sage ~ consecration, grounding, guidance, memory, obstacles, reversal
Thyme ~ confidence, growth, happiness, honesty, purification, sorrow
Kitchen Magick Tips
Mix clockwise ~ To add something to your life
Mix counter clockwise ~ To remove something from your life
– Grow your own herbs or ingredients to feel connected to your ingredients
Aromatherapy is one of my favorite ways I practice daily magick. I wrote a post about aromatherapy not too long ago (also this one). Aromatherapy is the practice of using scents to improve one’s mood. Lighting a scented candle, burning incense, using a diffuser, spritzing a room spray, wearing perfume, and cooking with fragrant herbs are all examples of aromatherapy.
Last but not least, I had to mention the magick of positive affirmations. Not only are affirmations an easy way to add magick to your daily life but they can also help redirect your mood and encourage you! My favorite way to use affirmations is by writing a few in my journal and repeating uplifting affirmations in my head as I meditate. I’ll leave you with a few of my current favorite affirmations.
I am exactly where I need to be at this moment
I attract everything I desire
I am a being made of love and light
Be yourself and do what you love
I trust in the universe
All of my dreams are coming true
How do you practice daily magic?

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