☆ I hit my one year of daily meditation this week! By this I mean I didn’t miss a single day of meditating. My life has changed a lot since picking up regular meditation, I talked about some of the reasons in this post but will be diving deeper in a new post going live next week with information on how I made this 2019 resolution into a daily habit. If you have any questions you would like answered leave them in the comments.
☆ I’ve been binge-watching Dr.Dray’s Youtube videos all week! I literally watched 20+ videos just this week! She’s a dermatologist and skincare enthusiast who offers a lot of helpful beauty information but mainly focuses on skincare. She explains different types of skincare conditions and recommends a lot of affordable skincare products that can be found at the drugstores which I love! In this day and age, most of us can’t afford to spend too much on beauty products so I’ve been finding her videos really helpful.
★ DAWN – Dear My Light
☆ The total solar eclipse/New Moon in Aries was earlier this week but the power is still with us for a few more days. I pulled three tarot cards the morning of the solar eclipse because I was feeling optimistic and I drew the tower, the hanged one, and the death card so yeah that’s how my life is going… These 3 Major Arcana cards are actually pretty amazing to pull during a solar eclipse, big changes are needed and coming, and what better time than during a total solar eclipse? haha
★ LEE GI KWANG – Predator
☆ If you listen to K-pop then you are probably aware of the passing of ASTRO’s Moonbin. Whenever an idol takes their own life it affects all of us in the K-pop community because everyone knows of each other. Chances are if you are a fan of one idol group some of them have friends, or siblings, or are a fan of another group. Whilst I didn’t know too much about Moonbin I was a fan of ASTRO and their music and it’s unfortunate that now there is one less member to support. If you or a loved one is struggling please visit the suicide and crisis lifeline for resources.
Posts From The Week
Hair Products I Don’t Use Anymore ♥ Curly Unfavorites

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