Welcome back to another Astrology Spotlight where I briefly explain each of the 12 astrology signs. If you’re new to astrology and know next to nothing about astrology hopefully this series will help you out. You can also refer to these posts to learn more about your sun, rising, moon, or anything on your birth/natal chart. I include the strengths and weaknesses of each sign as well as facts that suit each astrology sign. Despite the sign, I truly believe that every astrology sign has good and bad personality qualities and that we can transform our negative traits into positive ones if we desire.
In this post, we’ll be learning about the astrological sign, Aries. Aries is the first astrology sign in the astrology wheel. They are brave risk-takers who like to take initiative. They’re go-getters who enjoy a challenge! On the flip side, Aries can be a little bit rash and could rub you the wrong way. They’re also competitive and whilst a little competitiveness is healthy, Aries signs take it a little too far and could cause unwanted conflict.
Element: Fire
Symbols: The ram ♈️
Modality/Mode: Cardinal
Planet: Mars
Ruling House: 1st House (self & body)
Polarity sign: Libra
Tarot card: The Emperor
Compatible signs: Fire and air signs
Body parts: Head
(Also read: Full Moon in Aries and New Moon in Aries)
– Brave
– Assertive
– Head-strong
– Natural-born leader
– Independent
– Risk takers
– Courageous
– Insensitive
– Aggressive
– Abrasive
– Bad-tempered
– Competivtie
– Loud
– Selfish
Remember that you are in control of your life and shouldn’t take astrology too seriously because you’re capable of anything. Astrology can help you understand more about yourself and others but not everything is 100% true. You always have freedom so you shouldn’t base your life around astrology just because something is said about your sign. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always have control over how you act and react.
Are you an Aries? When is your birthday?

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