Welcome back to another deck review. In the post, I’ll be reviewing the Work Your Light Oracle Cards by Rebecca Campbell. Check out my last tarot card review here. If you don’t like spoilers then you might want to skip this post or not stare at the pictures below for too long as I will be showing some cards from the deck.
The Work Your Light Oracle Cards was created by Rebecca Campbell with artwork by Danielle Noel. I believe the Work Your Light Oracle was Rebecca’s first oracle deck, since then she has released The Starseed Oracle, The Rose Oracle, and will be releasing The Healing Waters this summer!
The Work Your Light Oracle was created to help you connect with this wisdom. To hear the whispers of your soul, to tap into this collective field, to access and increase your psychic senses, to bring your life into alignment. To surrender back to the rhythm of the Universe. The cards in this deck are designed to help you increase your connection to your soul and intuition. The more you work with this oracle deck, the more you strengthen your connection with the Divine. The deck contains 44 cards and a thick guidebook. The first half of the book contains information about the deck and the second half of the guidebook explains each one of the cards.

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– Good quality cardstock
– Matte finish
– No reverse meanings
– Comes with a guidebook
– Beautiful artwork
– Pastel-colored
– Unique messages
– Journal prompts
– Pretty card backs
This deck is really interesting because the deck is divided into five different suits, like Tarot but not really because this is an oracle deck. The reason for the five suits is that it “requires a different level of interaction” at least that’s what the guidebook says. In my opinion, the suits are unnecessary and don’t matter once all the cards are shuffled anyways.
Suit 1: Confirmation cards (clear meanings)
Suit 2: Inquiry cards (strengthen your intuition)
Suit 3: Action cards (guidance and inspire movement)
Suit 4: Activation cards (activate within)
Suit 5: Transmission cads (connect with a higher realm)
Like the Rose Oracle deck, the Work Your Light Oracle also comes with an attunement, which you can read on pages 12-13. The attunement is meant to help you connect with your deck, read the attunement once or every time you use the deck. In the Rose Oracle, there was a separate card with the attunement written on it but I prefer the attunement written in the guidebook. The cards and guidebook also provide some questions that work well if you journal often and need a prompt to write about.
The pastel-colored cards are aesthetically pleasing to see along with the stunning artwork. The backs of the cards are incredibly beautiful and one of my favorites that I’ve seen thus far!
I also like that this deck contains a ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ card, sometimes you just want clarity and these cards come in handy in those situations.

– Cards stick together
– Difficult to shuffle
– Strange choices for certain cards
Like most of the past oracle decks, I’ve used this deck that has the same cardstock that I don’t like because that cardstock is difficult to shuffle and the cards stick together and it takes a while to break in the deck.
Some of the cards were odd, for example, the ‘Trust the Niggle’ card. I never heard of the word ‘niggle’ before so I looked it up and its definition is actually negative (niggle – to cause slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety). I’m not sure why this work and phrase were chosen but I get that the overall message is to trust. I also found the ‘Anna, Grandmother of Jesus’ card a strange choice. Especially, since there is already a ‘Star Mother’ card which is pretty much the same card as they share a similar meaning but doesn’t include talk about religious figures.
You can purchase the Work Your Light Oracle Cards here
Do you have this oracle card deck in your collection?

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