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1/7 I started listening to the Pod Meets World podcast. It’s a podcast about Boy Meets World hosted by the actors who played Topanga, Eric, and Shawn. This trend of behind-the-scene television podcasts hosted by people who were on the show fascinates me! I love listening to stories of how historic shows came to be, especially the older ones that I grew up watching like BMW.
2/7 Loco & Hwa Sa – Somebody!
3/7 As a late birthday gift to myself, I bought the self-care oracle deck. I saw this deck featured in videos from some Tarot readers videos I follow and just knew I had to add it to my collection! I know I already have a self-care oracle deck but what’s one more? 😂
4/7 I’ll be completing my first Agatha Christie book tonight! This was a quick read for me because it usually takes me one or two months to read a standard novel but I’ve managed to get through this book in 2 weeks! Thankfully, there is a plethora of Agatha Christie novels for me to choose from. With that being said, which Agatha Christie book should I read next?
5/7 ATEEZ – Guerrilla
6/7 After two months of not checking on my villagers, I finally logged on back to Animal Crossing! To my surprise, my villagers didn’t seem to mind 😆 none of my cute villagers moved out, I didn’t get that messy hair (which I’m still trying to unlock), and barely any cockroaches were in my home! Nice to know I was missed…
7/7 HAPPY RENAISSANCE DAY! Beyonce’s new album is here! I have already heard the album once but will be listening to it multiple times! AND IT’S ONLY ACT 1!!! Don’t talk to me about anything besides Bey this weekend!✌️
Posts From The Week
Week 29/52
Magical Moments #8
The Moonology Oracle Deck Review
✨Have a wonderful weekend!✨

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