1/7 I recently started listening to the Divine Authenticity podcast. It’s by Kloee Taylor who also runs a Youtube where she does videos on Tarot pick-a-card readings, monthly predictions, and everything else magickal. The episodes run about 10-min to an hour which is the perfect amount of time to get inspired.
2/7 The nostalgia of hearing BTS’s pathology album, Proof. It’s funny because I still remember watching their debut stage on Music Bank a few years ago. Yup, I can say that I’ve been a fan of BTS since their literal beginning. I remember my younger sister was obsessed with them and we would watch all their variety shows like the first seasons of Run BTS. Anyways, I’m so proud of them and glad that they will have time to pursue their own careers now.
3/7 This week I pulled the High Priestess not once but twice! The High Priestess is all about intuition, your inner voice, and your deeper subconscious self. It’s a fantastic card but twice! I’m definitely going to listen to my intuition and dig in deeper about a certain subject that has been on my mind lately. If you want to learn how to read tarot check out this post where I explain the major arcana.
4/7 a cottagecore lofi mix
5/7 I’ve been washing my face in the morning with a cleanser. I’ve never done this before because I have always heard from dermatologists that washing your face too often dries out your skin. However, I thought I would just experiment to see how my skin reacts. I’ll report back if I notice any changes.
6/7 It’s officially one more month until I turn 29…and I’m dreading it! Since turning 28 I’ve tricked myself into believing that I’m already 30 but the closer I actually get to that age the more I feel like I should get my ish together. I know everyone goes through this but it’s surreal to think that I’m entering my last year in my 20s in a few weeks. So if anyone has any wise words of advice on what I should do let me know. Also, what should my birthday post be this year? Last year I posted 28 thoughts about turning 28. Not sure what I should post this year.
7/7 This Sunday marks the ONE YEAR anniversary since moving my blog from Blogger to WordPress! Not going to lie, I thought we were in year two on WordPress but I guess not (what is time anyway?). I love using WordPress and having my own professional website and knowing I have control of my site and not having any weird Blogger glitches or worrying about Google one day removing Blogger. If you’re curious as to how I moved to WordPress check out this post where I explain how I transitioned to WordPress.
Posts From The Week
Week 23/52
20 Positive Affirmations To Inspire You
The Power of Aromatherapy
✨Have a wonderful weekend!✨

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