☆ Last Friday, I attended a virtual Blythe doll meetup hosted by La Dolly Distach, a Blythe doll podcast. They posted on their Instagram a couple of weeks back and asked if anybody was open to a Blythe Doll meetup via Zoom and I quickly signed up! Even though I’m a very shy person I showed up with my Blythe dollI and met up with a few other lovely Blythe collectors to discuss all things Blythe! I had such a wonderful time and can’t wait to meet up with them again next year!
★ Sewing with Moomin | Moomins music
☆ On Tuesday, my younger sister and I met up at our older sister’s house for our annual holiday cookie decorating party! When we arrived at my older sister’s house it was so bland and looked empty but my younger sister and I took out all her holiday decorations and put up her Christmas tree and decorations whilst we listened to the Wicked soundtrack! Afterward, we decorated Hello Kitty-shaped vegan gingerbread cookies and got a quick tarot reading from my older sister. It was a really fun day! I haven’t been to my older sister’s house in a minute so it was nice to visit her.
★ Winter Study Lofi – Hard-working study at home like Snoopy
☆ I surprised my older sister with an Elphaba tree topper that I made for her! She’s the one who introduced me to Wicked and she’s been listening to the soundtrack ever since the film was released so I thought it was an appropriate gift. She loved it! I was inspired by all the people who are participating in Elphaba on the Shelfaba but I decided to make a handmade version and instead of a doll I thought she would be more useful as a Christmas tree topper. I’m very pleased with how I came out!
★ Stray Kids – Walkin On Water
☆ I’m almost done Christmas shopping! I only need two more gifts and then I’m done! One of the reasons, why I find this season so difficult is because I know too many people whose birthdays are around Christmas, as if this month couldn’t be more expensive I have to buy double gifts for some people! I feel really bad for anyone who has a birthday in December or early January because you’re probably not getting the attention you deserve. Have you finished your holiday shopping yet?
Posts From The Week

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