☆ INFINITE – New Emotions
★ I reached my Goodreads goal! It was only a month ago when I set this goal but I’m very proud of myself for reaching my goal of reading 24 books in a year! The other day I was telling somebody about how many books I read and they said something along the lines of “I wish I had time to waste so I could read” which felt like a backhanded compliment. As if reading is a waste of time! Plus, if it’s something you enjoy, is it truly wasted time? I don’t think so.
☆ NewJeans – ASAP
★ I made it to my second year in Stardew Valley! I’ve been really enjoying this game and can’t believe I went years without playing it but better late than never. haha
☆ barbie but lofi ~ a relaxing lofi mix
★ The final season of Summer Camp Island is currently airing on Cartoon Network. I’ve only watched a few episodes but so far I’m loving this season! I’m going to binge the rest of the new episodes over the weekend. You can watch all the seasons of Summer Camp Island on the Cartoon Network app.
☆ DPR IAN – Peanut Butter & Tears
Posts From The Week
This July ♡ 2023

You should definitely be proud of achieving your Goodreads goal! That definitely sounds like a backhanded compliment, so rude?! Reading is such a valuable skill and hobby, certainly not time-wasting at all. I find it so odd when people comment on how others spend their leisure time (which we should all prioritise!).
Yeah, their comment bothered me because it came from someone who watches sports a lot! I don’t understand people who judge others for how they spend their time, it’s not their time so why does it bother them? If something makes you happy and isn’t hurting anybody then do whatever you want. ♥
Well done on reaching your Goodreads goal! Reading is never a waste of time ♡
Thank you, Eleanor! I love reading and learn so much from it! ♥
Wow, great job of reading 24 books! Reading is DEFINITELY not a waste of time, that person clearly doesn’t know the many, maaaany benefits that reading has.
I always feel so much calmer, accomplished and, somehow, more intelligent – no matter what kind of books I’m reading – whenever I’ve been reading regularly.
I bought some new books this year hoping it’d encourage me to get back into the habit, but I’m still only doing it sparingly as I’m trying to also find time for blogging and creating – but by no means does that mean reading is a waste of time! I just tend to get so hooked on a book, I know I won’t get anything else done ????????
Thank you! I’m very proud of myself for reading so much! haha
To be fair, the person who said that spends a lot of time watching sports (which I think is a waste of time) so their comment didn’t mean much coming from them. We all enjoy different things and that’s okay but belittling something that brings someone so much joy is never okay! ♥