The Full Moon this Saturday is extra special because it’s a Blue Moon! A Blue Moon is when there is two full moons within the month, the second one being called a Blue Moon. October started off with a Full Moon in the sign of Aries and is now ending with a Full Moon in the sign of Taurus.
If you read my Libra Super New Moon post then you might be wondering what’s the difference between the New Moon and the Full Moon? The Full Moon is when the moon is illuminated at its brightest making this moon the most energic moon in the entire moon cycle which is why crazy things happen during a Full Moon. Now is the perfect time to reflect back on what you’ve done since the previous 6 months (back when there was a Taurus New Moon). Did you accomplish all that you wanted to do? If not, cleanse and heal from whatever is holding you back. Now is also the perfect time to write down some new long-term goals you wish to accomplish in the next six months.
If you’re interested in learning more about the moon I recommend this Youtube channel. She posts videos about each new or full moon and gives you more information about the planets at the time of the moon. She also provides herbs and crystals that you can work with during the phase of the moon.
Activities to do during a full moon
– Reflect on your past
– Try this guided meditation
– Work with your spirit guides or ancestors through meditation
– Journal about your long-term goals
– Cleanse your space
– Cleanse and heal yourself
– Charge your tools (crystals, homes, tarot cards, etc)
– Make a crystal grid
– Work with clear quartz
– Gaze at the moon and connect with the moonlight
– Bathe in a tub touched by moonlight
– Create
– Make a moon oil
– Make moon water
– Practice self-care
– Psychic work
– Practice self-love magic
– Try dream work or lucid dreaming
I’m especially excited about this Full Moon because not only does it land on Halloween but my moon sign also happens to be Taurus. I’m will be celebrating the Blue Moon this Halloween by cleansing my room, meditating, journaling, creating, and gazing at the moon.
How will you be celebrating the full moon this weekend?

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