I was tagged by Angie of Sukeban AK to participate in a spooky Halloween tag. I’ve done a few Halloween tags (like this one and this one) in the past, I think they’re really fun! Since this is a tag, I encourage anyone who wants to participate in this tag to do it. I think the only rule is to remove the 13th question and add your own question which I want those of you who read this post to answer.
1. What’s your favorite thing about October?
The whole vibe! Halloween decorations outside of homes and in stores, the colorful autumnal trees, the weather also start to cool down. October is just amazing!
2. Are you a big celebrator of Halloween?
As much as I love Halloween I don’t think I celebrate as much as others do. I just put up decorations in my room and watch scary movies and movies and listen to spooky podcasts. If I had people who enjoy this season then I think I would do more but unfortunately, nobody I know likes doing spooky or autumn things.
3. What’s your favorite horror movie?
I don’t think I have a favorite one. However, I like supernatural horror movies rather than gore horror movies so if any of you have any recommendations let me know.
4. Would you rather a cozy night in watching horrors or a big night out in a costume?
I’m an introvert so I get dressed in a costume and then have a cozy night in and watch scary stuff.
5. Which has been your most favorite Halloween costume to date?
When I was 5 or 6 I dressed as Mulan for Halloween. It’s probably my favorite costume ever because I always loved the outfit Mulan wore at the beginning of the film. It even came with the hairclip but because I had wild curls as a kid I couldn’t wear it.
6. Bobbing for apples or pin the hat on the witch?
I’ve only played bobbing for apples once so I guess I’ll pick that one because I never played or heard of pin the hat on the witch.
7. How do you celebrate Halloween?
I get dressed in my unicorn Kigurumi (if it’s cold) and then have a cozy night in and watch Halloween shows and movies. I also make Halloween-themed food like vegan sausage mummies and some cookies. I also dress up Lucy in her costume because it’s cute. haha
8. What’s your least favorite horror?
Some of the first horror movies I ever watched were the SAW movies and though they were fun at the start I hated how gore they became. I’m not someone who gets queasy when they see a lot of blood I just think seeing a lot of blood is more gross than scary.
9. Do you have a favorite trick or treating memory?
When I was younger my entire family would get together to go trick-or-treating. I have over 10 cousins so imagine over 10 kids getting together in costumes and walking all over the neighborhood trick-or-treating. So many fun memories!
10. What’s your favorite thing about Halloween?
Everything! When I think of Halloween I like of cold dark nights, lots of sweets, pumpkins, dressing up, etc. All things I enjoy doing! Even though I’m an adult now and I don’t really celebrate Halloween as much as I did when I was younger I just enjoy the Halloween mood which is why I do Blogtober now as a way to share my love for Halloween.
11. Scary costume or silly costume?
Silly. I don’t think I’ve ever dressed up in a scary costume but I would be open to dressing up in a scary costume.
12. What’s your favorite Halloween candy?
Reese’s peanut butter cups
13. Who’s your favorite black cat, real or fictional?
Salem from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I love sassy animal characters and wished that he was able to speak in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina I think it would make the series even better.
My Question: Do you think you could survive a Horror movie?

Such a perfect tag for the season! I can't believe it is almost Halloween – where did October go?! I'm pretty excited for Thanksgiving though, so I guess November will be great too!
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin
I'm so glad you did this, Michelle! <3 I hope you had fun. ^_^ Spending time indoors watching horror movies while being comfy and cozy is soooo nice. I rarely listen to podcasts, but now I'm curious about spooky podcasts! Also, Lucy sounds so cute! <3 Your trick-or-treating memories sound so fun. ^_^ I didn't trick-or-treat very often, but when I did, I had so much fun just walking around, taking in the magickal cool air and seeing all the decorated houses. I love this time of year so much! Be well! -Angie
I'm really excited for Thanksgiving and all the food! haha ♥
I had so much fun answering all the questions! Thank you for tagging me Angie! ♥