Welcome to another Blogmas DIY! Today, I’m going to show you how to make some onigiri and Dango pom poms! You can turn these into ornaments and hang them onto your Christmas tree or give them as a gift to someone. If you make these pom poms, tag me @mooeyandfriends so I can see how your food pom poms came out.

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You will need
– White worsted weight yarn
– Green worsted weight yarn
– Pink worsted weight yarn
– Tan felt
– Black felt
– Pom Pom makers
– Waxed linen cord
– Felting needle (I used this kit)
– Glue (this is my favorite no-sew glue)
– Scissors

Using an extra small pom pom maker. Make three pom poms, one pink, one white, and one green. With scissors, snip the yarn until you have three perfectly round pom poms. With waxed linen cord, (this is a strong type of string that will keep the yarn from unraveling) sew the pom poms to each other. Use the felting needle, felt the fibers of the yarn together to create a structured look. Be careful because this needle is really sharp and you don’t want to poke your fingers!

Using the small pom pom maker and white yarn, create a small pom pom. With scissors, snip some of the yarn in the shape of an onigiri, a rounded triangle. Next, felt the pom pom like you did with the Dango pom poms until you’re happy with the shape. Next, cut a long rectangle out of black felt to create the nori/seaweed piece. Glue the black felt piece around the onigiri pom pom and press to secure.
Have you ever made pom poms before?

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