The other day I was watching Cake Wars and they were making cakes inspired by Pokemon, that’s when I remembered I still hadn’t posted my Pokemon Sun/Moon review! I preordered Pokemon Moon and received it the day after it was released. I didn’t know much about the main story before playing which made the game more of a surprise and delight. The only thing I did know was what the 3 starters and trainers looked like. With that said, I still haven’t finished playing the entire game yet but I will cover all the main parts and whether it’s worth playing or not. Surely you enjoy this review even though it’s a long overdue. Better late than never, right? hehe
You start off in the Alola region which is made up of four main islands. Of course, with every new Pokemon game means tons of new Pokemon! Starting with the three main starters Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio (Guess who I picked?). Once you pick your companion you to will have the cutest first encounter ever and set forth your adventures.
Unlike in other Pokemon games, you don’t go around battling gym leaders instead you go on trials. In these trials, you are tested and have to battle powerful captains who will reward you if you manage to complete said trails. When I first learned about the trials I was really disappointed to learn this because I was looking forward to the epic gym encounters. However, don’t be deceived some of the trails can be quite challenging! Whilst on your journey you will encounter some ruffians from Team Skull who will try to sidetrack you from your main objective.
Overall thoughts, well I actually liked the Alola region more then I thought I would. I’m not a huge fan of tropical areas but the island(s) quickly grew on me. The new Pokemon additions were charming (I definitely found some new favorites, like Mimikyu). I also love the new battle system and how you can look around your area as you battle opponents. Speaking of battles, you get some special move called Z-moves which are powerful attacks your Pokemon can use whilst in battle. Another new addition to Pokemon Sun/Moon is Poke rides. These are a new form of transportation that you can get through the Alola region. You can pick specific Pokemon (which you don’t even need to catch) to transport you faster on land water or even in the sky!
The only downside that I can think of is that the story is longer then I would’ve liked, which is something that a lot of other players complained about as well. There are so many cut scenes that interrupt you on your journey. Aside from that, I can’t think of anything major that bothered me.
You can purchase Pokemon Moon here.

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