♡ An impromptu snow day!
♡ Watching Lucy’s smiling face as she hops around in the snow
♡ Marking my first book of the year with a 5-star
♡ Mexican hot chocolate with oat milk
♡ Reaching 500+ subscribers on my YouTube channel!
♡ Relauching my Substack to focus on Blythe dolls
♡ Celebrating my younger sister on her birthday (can’t believe she’s 25 now!)
♡ The amazing results after following this dry curly haircut
♡ A sheet mask to end a stressful day
♡ Homemade vegan pumpkin bread
♡ Playing Mario Kart with loved ones
♡ Reaching 1k days of consecutive meditation! Super proud of myself!
♡ My new Blythe doll arriving at her forever home!
♡ Bedtime reading sessions with my nephew
✨ What moments have felt magical to you? ✨

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