☆ My nephew recently started preschool. We were all worried that he might cry or not enjoy it because he can be kind of clingy to his mom but he has been loving school! My younger sister (his mom) says that he hugs all his classmates and teacher and even says “thank you, school” when he gets picked up for the day. It’s so adorable!
★ WayV – Give Me That
☆ For the past couple of months, my sleep hygiene has been terrible! I would sleep too late and only sleep for a few hours before I would wake up and not be able to return to sleep. During the day when I would take a nap, my naps would run for far too long, all this was screwing up my routine and schedule and I was so frustrated with myself. However, finally, after weeks and weeks of trying to normalize my sleep, I think I finally did it! This week has been the first week in a long time that my schedule has gone back to normal. It feels nice.
★ AKMU – Hero
☆ I am currently in the middle of creating my own personalized motivational card deck! It’s very DIY and crafty-looking but I love it! I still have to finish the cards but I should be able to complete the deck this weekend. And I’ve been recording the whole process! I’ll be uploading the video to my YouTube channel when I’m finished. I’ve shared pictures of it on my socials but I can’t wait to do the final reveal!
☆ My older sister finally opened her tarot readings! You can see more details about the readings on her YouTube channel. If you’re interested in getting a reading done by her go and contact her. She has read my tarot cards multiple times and her reading always resonates but then again I’m biased. haha
Posts From The Week
This MAY ♡ 2024

How exciting and creative to be making your own motivational card deck?! I can’t wait to see how it all comes together. I need to work on my sleep hygiene – I was averaging 4-5 hours a night and then I got sick, and that’s definitely related to my lack of rest!
It came out so cute! I can’t wait to share with everyone!
Yeah, I heard that you’re more susceptible to getting sick when your sleep is off because your immune system is off. I know how frustrating it can be to want to sleep but can’t. I hope you feel better soon and you can fix your sleep schedule. ♥
What sleep schedule did you find fits you? I’ve been having issues with mine, these days o.o
I mean everyone has different schedules so I’m not sure what will work best for you. What worked for me was waking up first thing in the morning (7 am works best for me) and working out. When my sleep schedule was at its worst I would work out in the evening which I didn’t enjoy so shifting the time I do my daily exercises helped me go back to a normal routine. I also read 20-40 minutes before bed which prepares me to go to sleep.
I suggest you write down your ideal schedule (like what you be doing if sleep wasn’t an issue) and try your best to follow that routine on a day when you don’t have work and try to stick to that schedule as best as you can until it becomes a habit. I’m 2-3 weeks into my new routine and still going strong! I hope you resolve your sleep issues soon! I know how frustrating it can be to not be able to sleep at an appropriate time. ♥