Welcome to another post from my Tarot 101 series. In this series, I try my best to simply explain how you can read the Tarot cards. In this post, I’ll be focusing on the Aces, all four of the Aces, Ace of Wands, Ace of Cups, Ace of Pentacles, and Ace of Swords. Stay tuned for separate posts on the rest of the Minor Arcana cards.
If you’re new here, make sure to read this post where I teach about the Minor Arcana and the different suits in Tarot. Also, make sure to read my posts on Major Arcana, both part 1 and part 2. I also post Tarot and Oracle card reviews so make sure you check out those posts if you’re looking for a new deck to add to your card collection.

Ace can also be referred to as the first card of the Minor Arcana. The Ace symbolizes the start of something new. New beginnings, potential, growth, initiatives, rebirth, self-development, the start of a new cycle, etc. When an Ace shows up in a tarot reading this could mean that you are thinking of beginning something anew (this is a confirmation from the universe), you could be in the process of something new, you may need to choose something new, that there is a new opportunity on the horizon, or that it is ample time for new possibilities to flow to you! Aces are a lot like the Fool card, as they both indicate the beginning of a fresh new start.
In Numerology, the ace or 1 represents independence, creation, solitary, progress, isolation, and uniqueness. Usually, Ace cards indicate that you are in this progress alone withdrawing to focus on yourself and whatever your new journey or project may be.

In the previous Tarot 101 post, we learned that Wands focuses on creativity, passion, inspiration, willpower, and drive. The Ace of Wands indicates that you are at the beginning of an enterprise. This could involve your career life or the start of a creative endeavor. In terms of career, you could be taking on a new role at your job or possibly getting a rise. In terms of a creative endeavor, you could be interested in starting your own business. The Ace of Wands supports your decision and that now is a great time to express yourself and your moneymaking idea! Even though the Ace of Pentacles usually refers to finances and money, however, the Ace of Wands also indicates success in finances because work = money.
Cups focuses on emotions, creativity, love, intuition, and relationships. The Ace of Cups indicates the start of emotional fulfillment, what you give and get in return. In terms of relationships, you could experience a new love or fondness for someone new in your life, this can be platonic or romantic. Creativity speaking, you could have just given birth to a new idea, endless growth supports you in this moment. Your emotional needs are being met.

Pentacles focuses on physical matters, finances, health, manifestations, and practical concerns. The Ace of Pentacles is an extremely positive card to draw. It welcomes all sorts of benefits such as financial security, success from a new idea, and even physical and/or health-related benefits. You are secure in your mind, body, purpose, and wealth. You are abundantly blessed at this time!
Swords focuses on rational thinking, Intellect, logic, communication, conflict, and analysis. The Ace of Swords indicates that there has been a major breakthrough! This could have been a successful coincidence or you could have triumphed over difficulties through the use of physical actions. Either way, you have acquired an achievement, recognition, and possibly a new lifestyle. You have manifested something and are continuing your way up! The Ace of Swords is a bittersweet card because even though there is a lot of potential with the card, the power and means of this card are determined by the situation. You may have gotten to a position in which you wanted but did you deserve this position? or did you force your way to the top?
If you have any questions let me know. Do you know how to read Tarot?

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