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☆ My baby nephew has been really into reading lately. I’ll be eating my lunch and he’ll come and sit with me eat a snack and then go fetch one of his books for me to read to him. He’s so cute! He has a small book collection of books but I’m slowly building it up for him. I decided to buy him Corduroy because it was one of my favorite books as a child. Leave your favorite children’s book or any recommendations for a 3-year-old in the comments. Better if you know any bilingual books in English and Spanish!
★ Fall Out Boy – Love From The Other Side
☆ This week I completed two crochet projects, a waffle-stitch cotton towel for our bathroom (to go along with our bathroom makeover) and a hanging Kuromi flower basket for my younger sister’s car because her favorite Sanrio character is Kuromi. I saw a hanging flower basket on Pinterest and thought I could make a cuter one, so I did. Having 10+ years of crochet experience is fun because I can literally look at any crochet piece and just recreate myself. Kind of proud of that.
★ IVE – Kitsch
☆ We took Lucy to her biannual vet visit this week and she’s all good and healthy!
★ Fall Out Boy – Heartbreak Feels So Good
☆ I’m getting a root canal today (literally as this post goes live). Not sure what to expect but I’ve been having tooth pain for the past month so I’m glad that I’m finally getting it fixed. Hopefully, it’s not as bad as everyone says it is. Send me some comforting words!
Posts From The Week
Work Your Light Oracle Cards Review
Curly Hair Haul ♥ First Impressions & Reviews

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