– Heart-shaped everything
– White chocolate, the superior chocolate!
– Listening to cafe ambiance and lofi (in two different tabs) for the ultimate at-home cafe experience! ☕️
– Playing Mario Kart online with friends
– Bingeing on a new spooky podcast
– Iced coffee that’s been sitting out for an hour, why does coffee taste better when it’s sitting out for a while?
– Practicing digital drawing again ✍️
– Surprise boba tea!
– Testing out new curly-haired products and getting excellent results afterward ???
– Reading to my baby nephew in English and Spanish, I’m trying to teach him to be bilingual
– Doodling in my journal
– Opening a new bottle of Florida Water
– Watching Captain America: Civil War and remembering how amazing old Marvel was
– Making a peanut butter cake for Lucy’s 9th birthday! I can’t believe it! I still remember her when she was the size of a baked potato and could fit in my palms! Happy Birthday, Lucy! ???
What moments have felt magical to you?

Heart-shaped everything – I fully agree!
I listen to my lo-fi through Lofi.co, which lets you layer on café ambience and keyboard sounds. Perfect for afternoons at work. And surprise bubble tea?! The dream!
Oooh, I’ll check it out! Thanks!
I love surprises especially when it’s a yummy treat! haha ♥