– Took Lucy to her biannual vet visit this week. I wanted to address her anxiety issues (like mother like daughter) with her vet and they recommended using some calming gummies first so I bought some and I really hope they work. If anybody has a dog who struggles with stress or anxiety and has any helpful advice please let me know.
– 10 Things To Do This Halloween
– One more week until the massive Animal Crossing update! 🤗
– NCT 127 – Favorite (Vampire) 🧛🏻♂️
– I’m running a cute Halloween giveaway over on my Instagram, you can win two of my spooky Halloween keychains and two of my older sister’s books.
– Cute Halloween Snacks Recipes
– Happy Halloween everyone! This is the last Blogtober post of the month, I hope you enjoyed all the posts I posted this month, if not, you can go back and read them all! Have a spooky and safe Halloween! How are you going to be celebrating Halloween this weekend?
Posts from the week
Spoopy Mood Board ♥ Blogtober
Animal Crossing Dream Address ♥ Autumn 2021

Hiiii! I hope you had a great Halloween! I did nothing. *sobs* I completely over-scheduled myself for the actual Halloween day and night, which I didn’t realize until the last minute. I am going to be so much more careful now!
I’m glad you got Lucy calming gummies. I could use some myself, haha. I’ve been a ball of anxiety and restless sleep. I’m sorry you both deal with anxiety and I’m here if you ever want to talk via blog comments, e-mail or Twitter DMs!
It’s been a while I know, but I finally responded to your comment on my vegetarian post! I’ve really been swamped. Are you notified when I reply? I’ve been wondering if people are!
Take care, my friend!
I had a pretty decent Halloween. I ended up getting sick though 😭 so yeah. I’ve been resting and trying my best to get better.
I’m not sure if the gummies work or not. We gave her one on Halloween but she still freaked out and kept barking at all the trick-or-treaters. I eventually had to take her up to my room so she wasn’t so stressed. Her anxiety issues are giving me extra anxiety! 😂
I’m not notified when you reply to comments. I usually check if you replied when I visit your blog. ♥
Ohhhh. >.< I know there's a way to let people know they've been replied to, but I have absolutely no idea how!
And yes, understandable about Lucy. Banjo (sadly not "my" dog, he's our family dog and doesn't belong to us but we live together until Astrid and I move in with Koji) is an Australian Shepherd and a TOTAL crybaby. I get so much anxiety whenever he's whining because I think he's hurt, but no, he just wants attention and or food!
Have a beautiful night!
Do you get a notification when I reply to your comments? I have no idea how that works either 😅
Thankfully, Lucy doesn’t cry, she will whine from time to time but she’s more of a barker. She loves the attention! She’s a sweet fierce, feisty, fluff of a Pomeranian with anxiety issues. ♥