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– After endlessly thinking it over I decided to invest in an iPad and apple pencil. It’s my late Christmas gift to myself! I’ve been dreaming of a digital drawing tablet for years but kept debating whether or not I should purchase one. For those who don’t know, I have a childhood “trauma” from when I was younger of kids telling me I wasn’t a good artist (I wanted to be an artist when I was younger). It’s affected me my entire life and scarred me from drawing for years. Last year, I made it a goal of mine to draw for myself again and this year I want to start practicing digital art. I’ve downloaded Procreate and have been enjoying rekindling my childhood love.
– Bittersweet feelings about GOT7 leaving JYP Entertainment. I’m happy for them but I’m devasted that we might never see them perform their songs as a group ever again. However, they’re already doing their own projects and I’m so happy for them! Wishing my boys the best of luck in whatever they decide to do next.
– Epik High – Rosario (ft. CL + Zico) This song has been stuck in my head all week! I’m so happy that Epik High is back!
– This post on how spending time alone can help overcome loneliness. I can relate to the author of this post 100%. I have often drowned myself with distractions so that I’m not alone in my thoughts. Obviously, I don’t like this so I’m working on improving myself.
– My older sister surprising me with a giant bag of acrylic yarn bonbons.
– The difference a different hair part makes to your hair.
– Restocking on my favorite box of tea and knowing it’s always there for me.
Posts from the week
Seven Things ♥ Week 2
Year of the Ox/Cow 2021 Garland Video Crochet Tutorial
Journals I’m Using In 2021
What little thing made you smile this week?

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