I was nominated by Elizabeth of Ice Cream Clara Blog for The Pretty Perfect Blogging Award, which is part of the Pretty Perfect Project which is a movement that aims to make you feel inspired, comfortable, and confident. It’s an escape to take a look at what’s inside rather than what’s on the outside. It’s a space where you don’t have to worry about comparing yourself to others and all the other pressures that social media brings.
As part of The Pretty Perfect Blogging Award, you are asked to submit an interview. Even though I’m all about everything looking aesthetically pleasing I’m also very honest. I have several insecurities and suffer from BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) so I don’t often feel pretty much less perfect. What I admire about the Pretty Perfect Project is that it encourages you to embrace all that is not ‘pretty perfect’ because you are already ‘pretty’ and ‘perfect’ just the way you are. Enjoy the interview!
1. What are your three most favorite features?
My brown eye, lips, and curly hair.
2. Three places I go when I’m feeling good are
As a homebody, I only have one place that makes me feel good and that’s room! Lol
3. Beauty tips and tricks that never worked for me are
When I was younger I used to bleach unwanted hair (underarms and hair around my lips). Someone on Youtube recommended bleaching your hair so I tried it because I hated how fast my hair grew back. Don’t worry I only used kits that were safe for you! It didn’t work.
4. In a masterclass for ‘how to look pretty for school’, I would teach…
How to be yourself and embrace your unique qualities.
5. Three features I feel most insecure about are
My arms, stomach, and bottom. I’m really insecure with my whole body because of BDD. I never feel comfortable in my own body.
6. What would I tell my younger self about 2020 beauty trends?
Doesn’t matter because you’ll be home most of the time. lol
7. One item that helps me to feel and look pretty without makeup is
Nail polish! I’m a huge nail junkie (I used to want to be a nail technician) and always have my nails polished. They’re literally a reflection of my mood!
8. I feel bad for not knowing how to…
Do my hair! I took cosmetology for 3 years and don’t remember how to style hair! haha
9. The last time I felt insecure was…
Probably a few minutes ago when I looked in the mirror. lol
10. Give someone a piece of beauty advice in one emoji
11. Where would you go if you felt all-confident? Be as honest as you can!
Probably clothing shopping. I don’t enjoy shopping for clothes in stores because there are mirrors everywhere and I hate seeing my reflection when I’m out in public.
12. My recurring confidence daydream goes like this…
I can wear whatever I want without judgment.
13. I feel most powerful when I…
Am being creative!
14. What memory makes you feel powerful about yourself?
Any memory from when I was a child. When you’re young you’re so naive and feel like you can do anything, that mindset is so powerful.
15. What does pretty feel like to me?
Whenever I hear someone say “That’s pretty” I feel like something is lacking. ‘Pretty’ is like the younger sister of beautiful. Not quite there but a work in progress. ‘Pretty’ looks perfectly put together on the outside but still isn’t put together on the inside.
16. How much does body image affect what I create?
One thing I always wanted to do was take fashion-blogger-like photos but since I’m unconfident with my body I never did this. Also, because of my BDD, I avoid taking photos all together which is why you’ll never see a photo of me on social media.
What makes you feel pretty?

Love these questions – thanks for sharing! 🙂
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin
Thanks for reading! ♥
I also love painting my nails! I haven't done so in so long. They also reflect my mood. The better I am doing mentally, the more likely I am to paint my nails. I especially love red or pink! 😀
I don't feel myself if I don't have a pretty manicure. haha ♥