What happened this week
My first week back in the United States! It’s so nice to be back home and sleeping in my comfy queen-size bed with Lucy by my side, I’m really going to miss this when I go back to South Korea. That is IF I go back to South Korea! Depending on what happens with the Coronavirus I may end up extending my stay in the US until things get better. The whole situation sucks but I’m really glad that I’m trapped in my home country instead of the other way around.
In other news, I’ve been on a creative high since arriving home with crocheting, journaling, and recording videos! I can’t wait to show you everything that I’ve been working on. Follow me on Instagram to see sneak peeks on my IG story.
Current favorites
Watching: Mihan
Playing: Sims 4
Drinking: Blueberry banana smoothies
Eating: Avocado on everything! I’ve missed avocado soooo much!
Loving: My new 3-tier rolling cart from Michael’s. I will be making a blog post on this soon, would you like to see a video too?
Feeling: Happy to be home!
Listening: Map Of The Soul: 7 – BTS
Working on: Filming new Youtube videos! I posted a video earlier this week and already editing next week’s video! Make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel to stay updated on my latest videos.
Now playing
[Stupid Love] – [Lady Gaga]
1:43 ───♡──── 3:14

I did see you rolling cart on Instagram and I have wanted one ever since ♡ I'm glad that you're enjoying being home!
Honestly I'm so relieved you're not in Korea right now, you left at the perfect time the situation is getting really bad there I mean it's gone from 30 cases to almost 3000 in like a week … everywhere is closing down, flights are cancelled and being stuck in a tiny room all day with nowhere to go and nothing to do is no fun so I'm glad you're home with your family and get a break , take good care yourself xoxo
I love that I waited to get it because they didn't have a lavender one before but now they do! I love lavender! ♥
I left the day after they announced all the of the Coronavirus cases from that church. I'm also glad that I'm stuck in the US instead of Korea right now. I can't imagine being stuck int that tiny room with nothing to do and not being able to go out. Masks were very difficult to find as well, the only ones I could find were cotton ones. I'll probably end up extending my stay here in the US until things calm down. ♥