♡ Sticking cute transparent stickers on mundane items
♡ Enjoying the memories from our family trip to Orlando
♡ Playing around with my new colorful tarot deck!
♡ Deep 30+ minute meditation sessions
♡ Lilly Sabri fitness videos
♡ Hitting 15 subscribers on Mooey’s Cozy Corner!
♡ When I’m frustrated from working on a project but turn to my left and see Lucy smiling in her sleep on my bed
♡ This soft morning yin yoga vinyasa
♡ Watching Lana Del Rey, ATEEZ, LESSFERMA, and The Rose via Coachella livestream
♡ Stumbling across this rainbow magick channel
♡ Spending the weekend off social media
♡ Finding a dress I’ve been searching for a long time on Depop for more than half the cost!
♡ My rainbow pages in my bullet journal
♡ Welcoming that comforting feeling that Taurus season promises
♡ The silence of waking up at dusk before anyone else is awake
✨ What moments have felt magical to you? ✨

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