– New pink satin silk pillowcases ????
– Coffee in a cute mug
– The way your bathroom looks after a deep clean
– Finding out that I can use my iPad as an e-reader
– When someone recommends an song that you actually love!
– Watching the Books Unbound Youtube videos
– The pretty pink-colored leaves from our peach/pear tree
– The empowered feeling you get when you stand up for yourself
– A book coupled with a warm cup of tea
– The new wallpaper I installed in my bathroom
– Cute bathroom accessories
– My best friend (that’s what I call my nephew) giving me a hug after being out all-day
– Colorful macarons
– Logging into my Goodreads for the first time in a while and inputting all the books I read the past year (i forgot I had an account????)
What moments have felt magical to you?

I love a bit of Goodreads admin!
Not going to lie, it felt nice to go back and log in all my past reads! haha ♥