– Does anybody else have nightmares where you know that you’re in a dream and try to wake yourself up in that dream and you convince yourself that you’re awake in that dream even though you’re not? Because I’ve had a couple of dreams/nightmares like this in the past and I just had one over the weekend and it’s such a weird experience to have. Also, are you someone who knows when you’re dreaming? And can you control your dreams? I know some people say they can and I wish I could, how cool would that be!?!
– ATEEZ – Deja Vu
– Like I mentioned last week, I decorated my room for autumn/Halloween! I hang up my crochet picado banner, Spoopy Ghost crochet canvas, and decorated my mood board with these Halloween keychains. I’m still not done, I want to add more spoopy items to my bedroom but just adding these decorations has put me in a spooky mood!
-Speaking of the spooky season, I’ve begun typing up my Blogtober posts already! Please look forward to those posts coming in October. Also, I just want to pat myself on the back for being able to publish 3 blog posts a week for 4 weeks! I’m in such a flow right now and I’m proud of myself! Hopefully, I’m not jinxing myself! 😆
– Catching up on new My Favorite Murder episodes! I just realized a few days ago that they returned from their hiatus. I wasn’t listening to their compilation and guest pick episodes because I don’t like listening to repeat episodes so it’s nice to hear their voices again and have some episodes to binge listen to.
– NCT 127 – Sticker
– Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Remember to support your local and online Hispanic-owned businesses this month, and always. Down Below I listed some of my favorite Latina-owned small businesses that I follow and adore.
Weekend Warrior
Adriana Robles
Besitos & Giggles Creations
Candy’s Kloset
Natali Koromoto
Also, (cue shameless plug) I’m Latina so if you want to support my shop this month it would mean so much to me! I still have some pinata stars available, these were the first Hispanic-inspired items I ever crocheted!
Posts from the week
Mindful Moments #1
Have a wonderful weekend!

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