– I caught up on all the NCT Relay Cams. This time all the NCT members, all 23 of them (yes, there are that many!) are filming. I only know like 13 of the members but hopefully, this series will help me learn the other members’ names. haha
– Ever since Sunday I’ve been dreaming like crazy. Some are nightmares but some are just random. I know technically we all dream every night but only a few of us remember what we dream about but I don’t think I’ve ever remembered this many dreams in a row. Back in 2013, I kept a dream journal where I would write down any dreams that I remembered. Maybe it’s time to bring it out again.
– I started watching Kim’s Convenience Store after my older sister recommended the series to me. It’s a really cute sitcomish show about a Korean family who runs a convenience store, I think it’s based in Canada. It’s an easy show to watch since the episodes are around 20-minutes.
– This Samoas Girls Scout cookie crochet pattern. So cute! Have you bought Girls Scout cookies yet? I hate that some cookies are regional. None of my favorites are available where I live. *sobs*
– I’ve started ending my night with a book again. As much as I wish I was an avid reader, I’m just not. I have plenty of other hobbies and reading is at the bottom of my list of things I would do. But I started reading 365 Goddess: A Daily Guide to the Magic and Inspiration of the goddess there’s a page for every day of the year which is fun. I’ve added reading a page to my night routine, it’s the perfect way to end my day. What are you currently reading?
– This post by my friend Marissa on ‘How To Utilize Instagram For Your Small Business’. She started a small soap business last year and it’s been so inspiring to see how her shop has grown in just a few months.
– Happy Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day this weekend! How are you celebrating this weekend?
Posts from week
Seven Things ♥ Week 5
Another Curly Girl Hair Haul ♥ Drugstore Haul + First Impressions
What little thing made you smile this week?

I go through stages where I remember my dreams a lot, too! For me, it happens more in the warmer weather, and it's always that I remember the nightmares more than other dreams. It's so weird. I had chronic nightmares as a kid actually, and now I have really disordered sleeping because of it. Super annoying, but I get by!
I've also been getting back into reading
Some years I read a LOT, and some years I don't read at all. Last year I only read 10 books, but the year before that I read 62 – and this year I've already read 6, so it looks like this will be another year of reading! It's so random �� I think the most important thing is that you read things that you enjoy, and don't worry about how MUCH you read ��
The funny thing is, this only happened for a week. I'm back to "normal" now. I've had a few dreams since but nothing I can remember. It was so weird!
You're right. It's not about how much I read but what I read that should count. A few years ago (I think 2019?) I read a book a month for a year and I felt so proud of myself for being able to complete that goal. I'm also a slow reader, it takes me weeks to read a book unless I find it really really really interesting! ♥