Current favorites
Watching: Hollywood and Terrace House on Netflix
Playing: Animal Crossing New Horizons
Blog: Chapters of May
Eating: Lucky Charms with almond milk
Loving: Konel_bread Instagram account. That latte art bear bread loaf is amazing!
Feeling: Nostalgic
Listening: Because I’ve been feeling nostalgic music. I started listening to music when I was in my early teens. Gwen Stefani, Fergie, Avril Lavigne, etc. I think this weekend I might go back to my emo phase and listen to all the bands that I used to listen to.
Excited for: To take a nap. lol
Practicing: Meditation and yoga. I completed my 30-day yoga journey last month but my body is still craving to be stretched so I will be continuing my yoga practice. Yoga with Adriene offers a monthly calendar that contains yoga and meditation videos which I’ve been following. As of right now, I’m trying to incorporate on days when I don’t want to do an hour of strength training or pilates.
Working On: Editing a new crochet tutorial for that slice of bread. Hopefully, it will come out. Every time I try to record a crochet tutorial they never come out the way I want it to or editing takes me forever so I put it off.
Now playing
[eight (feat. SUGA)] – [IU]
0:49 ─♡────── 2:48

eight by iu and yoongi is such a great song! i love anika's blog too, it's one of my favourites 🙂 i'm lowkey obsessed with bread and that konel instagram account made me so excited haha
ellie x // elliekblog.blogspot.co.uk