Instead of sharing 4 games I picked some of my favorite games that really influenced my life. I won’t go too far into detail about each game but instead, just share a few of my favorite things about the game. Sorry in advance for the long post! I’m very passionate when it comes to video games. haha
My favorite thing about Tekken was the diversity of the characters. They all came from different countries and some spoke different languages. Tekken 7 is probably my favorite release so far because almost half of the fighters are women, back in the day they only had 2-3 female characters. I think most people think gaming is for boys (*eye roll*) so seeing more playable women characters in video games is very empowering.
Pokemon was a huge part of my childhood. I would watch the movies, collect the cards, and video games. I played Silver and Ruby on the Gameboy but mostly remember playing Ruby. I only caught cute Pokemon and would always use Everstones on my starter Pokemon because I thought they look ugly when evolved (I still do this, haha). When I was younger my favorite part was leveling up the Pokemon and building a bond with them but now I just want to finish the game asap.
Final Fantasy 3
It was Final Fantasy 3 that got me into RPG games. My older sister always played Final Fantasy games but I was always intimidated by them because they looked complex. When Square Enix released the remake of FF3 for Nintendo DS I thought it was the perfect opportunity for me to start. I adore the tales the Final Fantasy series follow and because of FF3, I started playing more RPGs like played Bravely Default.
Kingdom Hearts
Another RPG that influenced my life was Kingdom Hearts. The main story is kind of corny but I think what makes Kingdom Hearts popular is the combination of Square Enix and Disney characters and worlds. I mean it’s kind of amazing to see Sephiroth and Donald Duck battling at the Olympus Colosseum in the same game. haha
Animal Crossing
I’ve been playing Animal Crossing since the Game Cube days and have played every release since. Everyone has probably heard or played AC now but back when it was on the Game Cube it was a lot simpler and relaxing (it was still addictive back then too, lol). It’s amazing to see how far they’ve come since their first game and now they even have apps. My favorite titles are City Folk, New Leaf, and Happy Home Designer.
When they first announced Splatoon I remember rolling my eyes and that the games were “for kids” but when we bought the Wii U we bought the bundle with Splatoon and after a few sessions I was obsessed! When it comes to video games I love the story mode because it’s like an interactive movie that you can control but with Splatoon I prefer playing the multiplayer and can care less about the story mode. Splatoon 2 is even better in my opinion.

Since you like RPGS I would highly recommend the Dragon Quest series (It is my favorite gaming series of all time!) I also recommend Fantasy Life for the Nintendo 3DS. <3
Yes, Pokemon and Animal Crossing are my life still 🙌 I started playing AC back on GameCube too, it's hard to believe that was over a decade ago 😭 Also, I feel you on the cute Pokemon thing, that's all I ever cared about 😂 but now I like to catch every Pokemon I can!
I don't have the patience to catch all the Pokemon but I try! haha ♥
A lot of people I follow have mentioned Dragon Quest but I don't know much of the game. I'm gonna check it out! I've have Fantasy Life and love it! ♥