After reading Heidi’s 3 Lovely Things I decided to make my own version. I think this is supposed to be a tag but this was my first time seeing it but I encourage my fellow bloggers to make your own 3 Lovely Things. The only thing I didn’t post was ‘3 lovely things in my year’ because I honestly don’t have anything major planned this year which is why I decided to skip the topic.
3 lovely things in my days
Coffee – I have a pretty strong connection to coffee. I love drinking the stuff it gets me through the rough mornings or stressful situations.
Blogging – I put a lot of effort into blogging. I’m always thinking of interesting new subjects I could share on my blog, new projects, and anytime I but something new I wonder how it would look like in my blog photos. haha
Crochet – Whether you can crochet or not I love making crochet patterns for you guys. Since posting my patterns on here I’ve rekindled my love for crochet. I hope I can encourage some of you to start crocheting.
3 lovely things about me
Creativity – One thing that I absolutely love about myself is my creativity. I’ve always been a crafty and artistic person but as I’ve grown older I’ve realized that not everyone is creative so I’m very proud of my creativity.
Openminded – It wasn’t until I moved to a small town in the south that I experienced racism and that some people can be so closedminded that it’s disgusting. I don’t care what color your skin is, what language you speak. if you suffer from mental health, what you like or don’t like as long as you’re a sweet person that’s all that matters.
Strength – I’ve been through a lot! People have hurt me, walked all over me, messed me up emotionally but because of that, I am the strong person you see today. Even though I may have not to like the situations these people put me through they built me up to be the person I am today. I am stronger because of these past experiences and I may not be 100% healed but I’m working on myself to be a better and stronger person because only the strong survive.
3 lovely things in my life
My room – I’ve mentioned this before but I adore my room! I’ve tried very hard to transform my room into a cozy nook. I try to keep it clean but it’s the bits of clutter that I keep on my desk and shelves that add character.
Family – There are times when my family gets on my nerves but I’m very thankful for them. I’m thankful that my parents still let me live with them, Like most families, we have our problems but I really appreciate them.
Lucy – My 4-year-old Pomeranian, Lucy. She’s changed my life in so many ways! We drove 4-5 hours away to Tennessee to pick up her up. It was such a random moment in my life that I can’t believe it happened so perfectly (I thought the plan was going to fall through). I’m thrilled that we got her and gave her a loving home to live in.
3 lovely things about my blog
Comments – I’m pretty sure every blogger feels the same about this but you guys are the ones that keep me going. I’ve been blogging for years and over the years I’ve thought about quitting but whenever I took a long hiatus I would receive a comment or two which is why I kept coming back. I really enjoy blogging and creating content for you guys to read.
Pictures – Over the years my picture on my blog has really improved. I try to make photos that are visually pleasing to look at so I hope you enjoy them.
Community – Technology has made it easier for bloggers from all around the world to connect to each other. I may live in the US but thanks to blogging I have friends from various countries who I can chat with. It’s amazing! I’ve always been a reserved person but through blogging, I’ve been able to express myself and have been able to make friends who share similar interests as me. I’ve never been someone who makes friends easily so whenever I make a new friend through Blogging I try to connect with them as much as I can because I love reaching out to new people.

So nice to see you do this! Such a positive post 💕 Do you have a room tour post? I would love to see it!
Heidi ✨ | Heidi’s Planner
I'm so content to see you can identify good things about yourself-that's already a lovely thing about you.😊 Secondly, absolutely
love all your snapshots-I actually have a rabbit teddy just like your one, at a larger scale which I've had from a very young age.😊 Thanks for sharing this post😘; you actually inspired me to write a post along the lines of this one but with a twist. I'm just hoping I won't forget it.🙏
#sweetreats xxx
Thanks! You inspired me to post it. I don't have an official room tour yet but I have a few posts where I share bits of my room which I'll link down below. ♥
Snapshots From My Room –
Desk & Mood Board Tour –
I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I look forward to reading your version. ♥
I love the idea of this tag! Pomeranians are adorable, and I'm so glad to hear that you've got family supporting you ^_^
Steph –
This post makes me so happy! You're one of my favourite people that I have "met" through blogging and each time I see you post about something that's getting you down I'm always saddened, because you are such a lovely and talented person who only deserves happiness!
It makes me so happy to see you reflecting on all the good parts about you and your life because there really is good in everything, it's just that sometimes we have to dig a little deeper to find it. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I believe you will get there some day 💕
This is so sweet! Thank Indya! You are the sweetest person and I'm glad I've been able to meet you through blogging. You inspire me to be a happier person. ♥
I often read your posts but am sometimes to shy to comment. I love everything that you do and the love and effort that you put into your posts. You make my day shine a little brighter with your beautiful posts! <3
Thank you Sophie! This is the sweetest message ever! Please don't be shy to comment. ♥