#1 First off, I hope you enjoyed Disney week here on my blog! I had so much fun creating Disney-themed content for you guys. I’m actually thinking about extending Disney week into next week. Would you guys like that?
#2 It was interesting to read your thoughts on boy groups vs girl groups. Like I said last week I don’t think girl groups get the credit they deserve so I made a list of some of my favorite songs by some underrated girl groups (the newer ones). I included groups with all different types of concepts for those who don’t like sugar-coated groups. Hopefully, you can discover a new girl group you haven’t heard of before.
Dream Catcher – Chase Me
LOONA – Eclipse
K.A.R.D – Don’t Recall (A co-ed group!)
Brave Girls – Rollin’
#3 July starts this weekend! So many things are happening in July, including my birthday (July 14). I’m also going on vacation which I am so ready for. I need a break from work!
#4 We took Lucy to the vet last weekend because she was having trouble walking on her back left paw. Thankfully nothing major happened but she does need to take vitamins to make her bones stronger because with smaller dog breeds like Lucy their bones tend to weaken over time. Do any of you with small pets have the same problem?
#5 I got my hair cut on Monday. I’ve been in need of a haircut for months! I went in just wanting layers and my ends trimmed but I somehow ended out walking out with my hair to my shoulders. This is a drastic change for me because my hair was really long (right above my bum).
When I got home and realized what had happened I had one of those America’s Next Top Model hair meltdown moments. I know it’s just hair and it will grow back but my hair grows back very very slowly. This is what I get for getting my hair cut when I’m half asleep.
#6 I finished my 30 Day Yoga Camp today! I heard somewhere that said yoga can help your back but every time I participate in these yoga challenges my back hurts even more. I do enjoy yoga though so I put up with the pain.
#7 Follow my Twitter and Instagram if you would like to see my adventures at Disney World. I will be updating both as much as possible throughout my trip, especially on Instagram stories.
Posts From The Week

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