☆ Due to the events that happened earlier this week, I’ve been avoiding social media as much as possible to protect my sanity and most importantly my mental health. I log on once a day to check certain notifications but as soon as I see something related to the election whether it’s positive or not, I log out. Right now, I don’t want to acknowledge what happened. Right now, I want to mourn and grieve what could’ve been. It’s one thing when this happens once but when the same situation happens twice it just hits differently. You start to doubt things will get better and that people are good. You start to question why this is happening, again, at a time when so many people are already suffering so much. At a time when most of us just want peace. I’m confused, angry, upset, and just want to turn everything off right now.
☆ On a positive note, the 1.6 Stardew update finally arrived on the Nintendo Switch which is where I’ve been spending most of my time this week. I started a new farm and have been enjoying playing around with all the new features. I know this update was available months ago on the PC but I play Stardew Valley on the Nintendo Switch so I was very excited to play the new update.
★ NCT DREAM – Flying Kiss
☆ My older sister is hosting a giveaway for two free 30-minute tarot readings! If you’re interested go check out her latest YouTube video for more information and instructions on how to enter. Good luck!
Posts From The Week

You’re in my thoughts. You all are. Just focus on the little, good things around you – your dog, Stardew, anything that brings you happiness – and know that I am mourning every single day with you. I am NOT just saying that. When some women lose, all women lose. But I’m sticking up for you on my side of the world, RUTHLESSLY. If you need to talk, shoot me a message on social media, or my email is on my blog too. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you, Indya. I’m trying to find the joy in the little things instead of dwelling in hopelessness but not going to lie it’s been difficult. It’s only going to get worse in the next 4 years so I don’t know how I’m going to cope but I’ll have to find a way. ♥
Girl, I’ve been on the completely same boat. I went on social media the day immediately after the election….big mistake. There was so much grief and also some horrific & disgusting things going on. I then had to stay off of social media for the rest of last week. Sending you love much love and strength during these really difficult days xx
Melina | http://www.melinaelisa.com
Glad we’re in this together. Sending you much love and support too! ♥