After I posted my first day in numbers post I intended to post more so here it is! This time I’m posting my morning in numbers because this morning was very productive so I think I have enough numbers for a day in numbers post.
4 am is the time I remember falling asleep at.
8 am is when I woke up, clearly my sleeping schedule is messed up (I blame Blogmas!).
12 gifts I wrapped this morning.
9 empty beauty product boxes I’m staring at (Why do I do this to myself?).
21 blog posts I posted this month!
17 Birchboxes I currently have in my room (I have plenty more in one of our closets. What do you do with all those boxes?).
7 packages I received in the mail this week and it’s only Wednesday!
42 songs I have on my Christmas playlist, which I will be posting later this week.
15 potential posts I have saved in my drafts.
86 followers I have on Bloglovin.
13 naps Lucy has taken so far.
30 times I’ve listened to the Hamilton soundtrack this week. I’m obsessed with it all over again!
6 total cups of tea I from last night to this morning.
73 Tsum Tsums I have on my heart-shaped shelf.
8 Instagram photos I’ve posted this month, a new record!
3 pm I’m going to take a nap.
1 more 12 Days of a DIY project I have left. It’s going up tomorrow!
10 more days until New Year’s Eve.
4 more days until Christmas!
17 Birchboxes I currently have in my room (I have plenty more in one of our closets. What do you do with all those boxes?).
7 packages I received in the mail this week and it’s only Wednesday!
42 songs I have on my Christmas playlist, which I will be posting later this week.
15 potential posts I have saved in my drafts.
86 followers I have on Bloglovin.
13 naps Lucy has taken so far.
30 times I’ve listened to the Hamilton soundtrack this week. I’m obsessed with it all over again!
6 total cups of tea I from last night to this morning.
73 Tsum Tsums I have on my heart-shaped shelf.
8 Instagram photos I’ve posted this month, a new record!
3 pm I’m going to take a nap.
1 more 12 Days of a DIY project I have left. It’s going up tomorrow!
10 more days until New Year’s Eve.
4 more days until Christmas!
What did you do today?

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