Last week I hardly updated my blog because I was out of state on vacation! My family and I went on a short trip to Florida to escape from the cold winter weather. We stayed in Orlando for three days and visited Disney’s Hollywood Studios and shopped a lot! I wish the trip could have been longer but sadly now I’m back home where the weather is cold and it even snowed last night! *signs*
My bags packed ready for a 6-8 hour road trip. I get carsick very easily so I was not looking forward to this ride!
As soon as we got to our hotel room we went to a nearby Target to buy items we forgot to bring like toothpaste and body wash. I got to try the new Starbucks tiramisu frappuccino with coconut milk (I usually always get soy milk but I wanted to try the new coconut milk) and I wasn’t a fan of it however the tiramisu frappuccino is amazing, just make sure you get it with soy instead of coconut milk!
Fixing my face in the morning. These are the products I brought with me to Florida.
The next day we went to Downtown Disney (or Disney Springs as they’re now calling it) and I found Baymax caramel apples!
When I saw this Baymax caramel apple I just had to buy it! I’m obsessed with Baymax!
Speaking of Baymax! This is from Disney’s Hollywood Studios. I could only find this Big Hero 6 stand with Baymax plush. They only had a big size but I went ahead and got him because he’s my bae!
Isn’t he the cutest! I love him so much!
That was my trip to Florida. Sorry I didn’t take too many pictures! I was trying to relax and wasn’t concerned about blogging or work or anything! I just wanted to enjoy myself. I will be posting a haul tomorrow!

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