☆ Last week, I thought I was having a horrible week but this week was far worse! I was incredibly sick at the beginning of the week, and as if I wasn’t punished enough, I got my period the following day with cramps to follow. I can’t seem to catch a break?
★ TNX – Love or Die
☆ I came across the Get Sleepy podcast because my sleep schedule has been off due to being sick for the past couple of days. Each episode is a different unique story that helps relax and calm you enough to go to sleep. I always knock out within 3-5 minutes so if you have trouble going to sleep or staying asleep then you may want to check out the Get Sleepy podcast.
★ STAYC – Teddy Bear
☆ The Artist who Couldn’t Draw
★ Dvwn – Highteen
☆ Because I was feeling so out of it this week, I didn’t get to celebrate Lucy’s birthday or Pancake Day properly. I’ll be making up both days this weekend because both need their own day to appreciate their amazing fluffiness! ???
Posts From The Week
Magical Moments #14

Same here! Was also sick the past week and having trouble sleeping. When I wake up I feel restless. Thanks for sharing the podcast, will check it out! 🙂
So many people have been sick lately, I hope you feel better now.
I hope the podcast helps! I’ve always been a restless sleeper, I wake up at least 1-2x times a night so I get how frustrating it can be. ♥