1/7 This week I caught an opossum on our backyard camera! I didn’t even know we could get opossums here! We have a fenced yard but I’ve caught cats, rabbits, and now opossums jumping over the fence via camera. Thankfully, Lucy has never run into anything. She just minds her own business. 😆
2/7 Dreamcatcher – VISION
3/7 I got my first Buc-ee’s t-shirt! I’m OFFICIALLY TRASH! For those who don’t know Buc-ee’s Is a popular gas station in the south. YUP, you read that right, a gas station! It’s popular because of the cute beaver mascot and clean bathrooms. I’ve actually never been to a Buc-ee’s gas station but my older sister enjoys going for some reason and she brought me back a cool Buc-ee’s band shirt. The back of the shirt contains all the Buc-ee’s locations and the year they were established in. Have any of you been to a Buc-ee’s before?
4/7 Halloween Town 🎃 ~ Lo-fi for Witches
5/7 I had a cozy nap with Lucy on a rainy day and it was pure! I love a good rainy day nap.
7/7 She-Hulk finally ended! I feel like this series went on forever so I’m glad it’s finally over, haha! The last episode was funny. I feel like this series could’ve been gold if it was written better. I found the writing was poor and very inconsistent! I feel like they were trying to write this series to sell to women who aren’t interested in Marvel by writing about trendy women’s issues. On the upside, the acting was great, and there were a lot of fun cameos. The graphics were decent it wasn’t movie MCU CGI but this is a series so they have a budget and probably couldn’t afford proper CGI. Anyways I don’t understand why the CGI got so much hate, Ms. Marvel graphics were way worse! I still like She-Hulk’s character and we definitely need a character like her in the MCU but she needs to be written better, by people who actually are fans of Marvel not by women who want to write about feminist issues for the sake of being heard in an MCU property. Feminists often get a bad rap and this series didn’t help, it’s like the new Star Wars films all over again! Lastly, the fact that the writers of this show wrote themselves into the show says it all. If you watched She-Hulk I would love to know your thoughts.
Posts From The Week
Week 40/52
Spoopy Tarot Deck Review
3 Books To Read During Spooky Season
✨🎃🖤Happy Spooky Season!🖤👻✨

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