1/7 A new boba shop opened 15-20 minutes away from me and it’s been a game-changer! Most boba places around where I live are like an hour away and with traffic so I’m very thankful to the boba gods for blessing me with a closer boba shop that sells the most amazing street food!
2/7 ONEUS – Bring it on
3/7 I finally saw Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness and it was…eh…not what I was expecting. Especially that third act! At one point I was like what am I watching? The cameos were surprising but overall I was expecting more from this film. If you’ve watched Doctor Strange, what did you think?
4/7 Songs that will make you happy at home
5/7 I made baked oatmeal for the first time and it was delicious! I used this recipe, I made the blueberry cream cheese version.
6/7 ONEWE – Roommate
7/7 This weekend I’ll be giving my room a deep clean and clearing out all my drawers because I have three “junk” drawers that need to reduce to one (because we all need a junk drawer, right?). Keep an eye on my Depop because I’ll be adding whatever has outlived its purpose with me.
Posts From The Week
Week 19/52
The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Moon 2022
Witchy Barnes & Noble Book Haul
✨Have a wonderful weekend!✨

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